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BP Server Developer's Guide
Dynamic work item management using queues

Dynamic work item management using queues

In a business process, the performer of a human-performer workstep could be users, groups, or mapped dataslots. The list of performers may also be retrieved using an EJB method when EJB is specified as the performer of the human workstep. When a human-performer workstep is performed by ANY member of a group, the performer list is expanded to the actual list of users, and the newly created single work item is made available to the expanded list of users.
As a work item is available to a fixed number of users, the work item management is performer-centric.
However, when the members of a group are not precisely defined, performer-centric management is not useful, as the list of performers must be obtained dynamically. For example, for a field service call, you may want to assign the task to the field members available within 20 miles. In this case, the actual members available within 20 miles are to be dynamically captured from other sources of information. Further, in several cases, the performer group may be static or dynamic depending on the context, indicating that the type of group is also changeable. Consequently, BP Server must be able to manage dynamic nature of groups.
BP Server provides dynamic group modelling with work item management using queues.
* Push and pull mechanisms for work items
* Work item management