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BP Server Developer's Guide
Application management : Creating applications

Creating applications

The first step in creating a new process is defining a new application name. This can be considered as creation of the first version of the Application. An Application SVO provides APIs for creating the first version as well as the future versions of the same Application.
*Application.create(session, appName, xmlFileName);
This creates the first version of the Application.
*If the xmlFileName does not contain an application name, then the passed appName is set as the application name.
*If the xmlFileName contains an application name and the AppName passed is different from the application name, then an exception is raised.
*Application.create(session, xmlFileName);
*Application.create(session, ByteArrayInputStream);
This creates the first version of the Application.
*If the xmlFileName contains an application name, then it is used.
*If the xmlFileName does not contain an application name, then the ProcessTemplate name is taken as the application name.
If the xmlFile is present on the client and not present in the location where Business Process Servers are running, then the xmlFile could be passed as an InputStream. A static method is provided on the Application SVO for creating the InputStream.
Once an Application is created, its future versions are created as TemplateVersion. For creating TemplateVersions, you can use the following APIs:
The passed xmlFileName (ProcessTemplate XML File) is used for creating the current version of this Application.
*If the xmlFileName contains an application name and it is different from the application name of the current application, then an Exception is raised.
*If the xmlFileName does not contain an application name, then the application name of the current application is considered as the application name for the created version.