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BP Server Developer's Guide
Messaging workstep : Message subscriber workstep : Message correlation : Correlation using message payload and process dataslots
Correlation using message payload and process dataslots
The named correlation "ProductPK" defined for the "NewProduct" message is used in the subscriber workstep. A named correlation may have more than one key. A message descriptor may contain one or more named correlations. However, a workstep should use at the most only one named correlation. Each correlation key should be mapped to process dataslot that provides the value for the message correlation at runtime.
When a named message is received for a workstep instance, the values of all correlation keys are compared with the value of the mapped dataslot and the message is delivered to the workstep instance only when all comparisons are successful.
When no correlation is defined for a subscribed message, the message is delivered to the target workstep instance unconditionally, provided the name of the received message is same as the subscribed message of the workstep. This means, correlation is optional for both; the messages as well as for the subscriber workstep.