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Application Developer's Guide
Developing applications with rollback support : Attributes of the compensatory enabled process : Activating rollback points (optional)

Activating rollback points (optional)

As described in the previous section, BP Server activates an internal call to rollback when there is an execution failure for:
*Post function scripts, or
*Adapter or subprocess (nested) worksteps.
Note: BP Server no longer supports activating Rollback points in a workstep, for an exception failure in pre-function scripts.
By specifying a workstep name, every execution failure causes a rollback to the given workstep name.
To specify a workstep, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Properties view of the workstep, which may fail.
2. From the Advanced tab, click the On Error tab. Select a workstep from the Activate rollback point list.
Note: If the On error area is not active, then ensure that the Create rollback point checkbox is selected in the workstep you want to roll back to.
When you request rollback to a workstep, the BP Server ensures that:
*The workstep has been completed and
*The Create rollback point checkbox is selected.
If these two conditions are satisfied, then BP Server:
1. Suspend the current process instance (no data is exchanged).
2. Suspend all active worksteps.
3. Run the compensatory JavaScript codes for all worksteps that were visited.
4. Replace all given dataslot values with default values at that point.
5. Resume the current process instance.
6. Activate the given workstep.
7. Send an e-mail to the manager of the process, if you have requested it.
Note: If the two above conditions are not met, then the user remains in the same workstep. There is no change in the process data and BP Server throws an exception.