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Developing WebSpeed Applications
Web Objects : Using Web object examples : Web object URLs

Web object URLs

You use standard URL notation to access Web objects from a browser.


Specifies the Web server host name.
Specifies the port number of the Web Server. The port number is optional if the Web Server uses the default port number, which is 80. For example, if a Web Server's port number is 88, the initial part of the URL might be specified as /http://myhost:88.
Specifies the Web server scripts directory for a CGI or ISAPI Progress® WebSpeed® Messenger. Omit this component if you using an NSAPI Messenger.
Specifies the messenger name. For a CGI Messenger, you add the filename (or pathname relative to the scripts directory) of your CGI Messenger script. For an ISAPI Messenger, you add the filename (or pathname relative to the scripts directory) of the DLL (wsisa.dll). For an NSAPI messenger, you add the filename of the DLL (wsnsa.dll).
Specifies the WebSpeed broker name.
Specifies the Web object name. You add the pathname of the requested Web object, relative to the WebSpeed PROPATH environment variable setting for your WebSpeed agents.
The PROPATH setting is a list of directories or procedure libraries that a WebSpeed agent searches left-to-right in order to execute a Web object (or other SpeedScript procedure file). The Messenger passes the Web object pathname to the agent as part of the CGI environment (in PATH_INFO). The agent control program (web-disp.p) then searches for and executes the specified Web object or associated r-code.
For more information on PROPATH and WebSpeed URLs, see OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.