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Developing WebSpeed Applications
Handling DISPLAY Output : Working with DISPLAY output : Formatting DISPLAY output : Paging options of the OUTPUT TO "WEB" statement
Paging options of the OUTPUT TO "WEB" statement
The two paging options include:
*PAGED — Generates Web page output in 56-line stream pages
*PAGE-SIZE number-of-lines — Generates Web page output in stream pages of a specified number of lines
To open an unnamed output stream with 25-line stream pages, you specify this:
Each stream page contains the following output ordered and organized into one to three sections, all within the number of lines specified for the stream page:
1. Any content from activated SpeedScript PAGE-TOP frames for the current OUTPUT stream. Otherwise, the stream page begins with the second section.
2. Any other DISPLAY or PUT statement output for the current OUTPUT stream. If DISPLAY output is for a SpeedScript DOWN frame, any column headers are printed in the following occurrences:
*At the start of an iteration block
*At the start of the stream page or immediately after any output from PAGE-TOP frames
If DISPLAY output is for a SpeedScript frame other than a DOWN frame, the entire content from the specified frame is output for each DISPLAY statement.
All output in the second part of the stream page continues until the line number required to start any activated PAGE-BOTTOM frame or after the last line of the stream page, which ever comes first. If PAGE-BOTTOM frame output is activated, the stream page continues with the third section. Otherwise, the stream page is complete.
3. Any content from activated SpeedScript PAGE-BOTTOM frames for the current OUTPUT stream until the stream page is complete.
Activate SpeedScript PAGE-TOP and PAGE-BOTTOM frames using DISPLAY statements. These statements do not immediately output the frames, but make them ready for output at the appropriate point in a stream page. Note also that PUT statements (most often coded using the WebSpeed {&OUT} preprocessor reference) can send output in the second section of a stream page. But this output is not part of any SpeedScript frames, which are used only by DISPLAY statements.
WebSpeed also provides a means to automatically separate successive stream pages in the HTML using a specified divider. This divider is specified by the HTML-END-OF-PAGE attribute of the WEB-CONTEXT system handle. For more information, see HTML attributes of the WEB-CONTEXT handle.
For more information on setting these options, see Changingoutput format defaults.