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Developing AppServer Applications
Debugging : Using remote debugging

Using remote debugging

You use remote debugging to debug an AppServer application independently of the client application. With remote debugging, the Debugger does not have access to the client application that calls remote procedures in the AppServer session. When viewing the procedure call stack associated with a debugging session initiated in this mode, you never see procedure call stack entries for any ABL client application that might be driving the AppServer.
Because the Debugger is an ABL debugger only, you must use remote debugging to debug AppServer procedures that are driven by .NET and Java Open Client applications or that are invoked as OpenEdge Web services.
You must also use remote debugging if you want to step through code in any of the AppServer configuration procedures that you specify in the AppServer properties file ( These include the:
*Startup procedure (srvrStartupProc property)
*Shutdown procedure (srvrShutdownProc property)
*Connect procedure (srvrConnectProc property)
*Disconnect procedure (srvrDisconnProc property)
*Activate procedure (srvrActivateProc property)
*Deactivate procedure (srvrDeactivateProc property)
The Debugger does not have access to these procedures with distributed debugging.
You can initiate a remote debugging session in one of two ways:
* Attaching the Debugger to an AppServer session — Attach a session of the Debugger that you have already started to a running AppServer agent.
* Initiating the Debugger from within an AppServer session — Initiate a session of the Debugger from code running on an AppServer agent.
This section describes the basic tasks required to initiate remote debugging. For more information on detailed debugging tasks, such as using the Debugger window to step through code and exiting the Debugger process, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.
For information about using the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge Debug perspective for remote debugging, see the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge online help.
* Attaching the Debugger to an AppServer session
* Initiating the Debugger from within an AppServer session