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Developing AppServer Applications
Connecting to AppServers Using a URL : Connecting over the Internet

Connecting over the Internet

When you distribute your application over the Internet, you can connect to an AppServer (or BrokerConnect) using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Using HTTPS allows clients to communicate through fire walls and optionally send secure encrypted data transmissions across the Internet. To provide access to an AppServer (or BrokerConnect) over the Internet, you must install and configure the AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA). You can also configure the AIA to use a NameServer or access an AppServer directly. For information on configuring and managing the AIA, see OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.
Note: In situations where the client must access the Internet using a proxy server (client-side firewall), be sure to specify the proxy server and port for the AppServer (or BrokerConnect) client using the connection parameters or properties available for that client (ABL or Open Client). For more information, see the sections on configuring the AIA for proxy servers in OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.
* Connecting using HTTP
* Connecting using HTTPS