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WebSpeed Administration : WebSpeed Dynamic Code-page Support : Storing the MIME code-page name

Storing the MIME code-page name

To store the MIME code-page name, use one of the following techniques:
*Using HTML, store the MIME code-page name in a hidden-form field or a query field called wscharset.
Note: The field must be called wscharset.
In the following fragment, the MIME code-page name is stored in a hidden-form field called wscharset:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"
CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="name"><BR>
Address: <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="address"><BR>
City: <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="city"><BR><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="wscharset" VALUE="windows-1252">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">
In the following fragment, the MIME code page is stored in a query field called wscharset:
<A HREF="tstiso2.w?wscharset=iso-8859-2"></A>
*Use the SET-COOKIE WebSpeed API function to create a cookie called wscharset containing the MIME code-page name, as shown in the following fragment:
SET-COOKIE("wscharset":U, "iso-8859-2":U, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?).
*Dynamic code-page support does not work if the code-page name is stored using the CHARSET attribute of the META tag exclusively or the WebSpeed API outputContentType() function exclusively. You must also store the code-page name in wscharset. Also, the stored code-page names must match.
* Accessing WEB-CONTEXT's HTML-CHARSET attribute
* Converting code-page names between MIME and OpenEdge formats
* Additional notes