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Web Services Adapter Administration : Deploying and Managing OpenEdge Web Services : Monitoring and tuning Web services

Monitoring and tuning Web services

To monitor a Web service, inspect its statistics. To tune it, adjust its properties. You can perform these tasks using OpenEdge Management/OpenEdge Explorer or the WSAMAN utility. The following table lists the types of statistics gathered for a Web service.
Table 26. Statistics for a Web service
Number of Requests
Total requests handled by the Web service
Number of Active Requests
Requests currently being serviced
Number of SOAP Faults
Error returns by the Web service application
Number of Objects Not Found
Calls to unidentified Web service methods
Number of Errors
Total errors returned for requests to the Web service, with errors broken down for each of several error categories after the first error is reported
Number of AppServer Connections
Total AppServer connections being managed by this Web service
Number of Proxy AppObjects
Total AppObjects registered for all clients of this Web service
Number of Proxy SubAppObjects
Total SubAppObjects registered for all clients of his Web service
Number of Proxy ProcObjects
Total ProcObjects registered for all clients of this Web service
For more information on the statistics of a Web service, see the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help.
If the Web service uses a NameServer and is session free, the Web service has a connection pool, with properties you can adjust. If the Web service is session managed, it can be set to store multiple requests to the service or repeat them. In either case, for more information, see Reference to OpenEdge Web Service Properties and the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help.