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Messaging and ESB Administration : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Administration : Configuring and administering the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ : Configuring BrokerConnect
Configuring BrokerConnect
BrokerConnect is a Unified Broker product and part of the Progress Unified Broker framework. You can use OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer to start, stop, get status, add, delete, and edit properties of BrokerConnect.
To define or configure a BrokerConnect instance:
1. Make sure that the AdminServer is running on the host where you want to configure the BrokerConnect instance.
2. Open OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer from the Progress OpenEdge program group.
3. To define a new adapter instance or configure an existing instance, do the following:
*To define a new instance, click the Resources tab's dropdown arrow from the management console bar. Choose New OpenEdge Resource® SonicMQ Adapter. Click SonicMQ Adapter. Type the name of the new broker instance in the field provide, and click Save.
The SonicMQ broker instance is unique and case-sensitive. It can contain alphanumeric and special characters, except period (“.”), colon (":"), or square brackets (“[ ]”). The name must not contain blank spaces.
*To configure an existing instance, click the Resources tab in the management console menu bar. Expand the container name, and then OpenEdge, and then SonicMQ Adapter. Select the instance you want to configure; then click Configuration in the Details frame.
The SonicMQ Adapter Configuration page appears.
4. Click Edit, select a property category tab, and set the properties as required. You can accept the default values, if they are appropriate for your application.
For information on setting the CLASSPATH, see Settingthe CLASSPATH.
Expanding the Broker category shows the following property subcategories:
*General — Specify a working directory and the TCP/IP port number where BrokerConnect listens for requests. Check the Auto start box if you want the adapter to start whenever you start the AdminServer.
*Owner Information — You can optionally provide Group name, Username,and Password information for the user who owns the BrokerConnect instance.
*Controlling NameServer — If you plan to use a NameServer to control BrokerConnect access, check the Register with NameServer box and select a controlling NameServer from the drop-down list. Select one of the three Registration Mode options to specify how you want the NameServer to provide the host address of BrokerConnect for client connections.
If BrokerConnect is not registered with a controlling NameServer, clients connect directly to the adapter by specifying its TCP/IP host and port with the -DirectConnect parameter.
*AppService Name List — Enter the names of the application services that the BrokerConnect instance is to register with the controlling NameServer, if any. Clients connecting to the adapter must specify one of these service names.
*Logging Setting — Specify a pathname for the broker log file, the level of logging detail, and whether the logging for a session appends to or overwrites the previous broker log file. Also, choose the broker logging entry types (a single entry or a comma-delimited list), the broker log file entry types, the broker log file threshold size, and the maximum number of broker log files.
*Advanced Features — Specify the maximum number of client connections (Maximum client instances) that the BrokerConnect can support at one time. Also, you can specify an interval in seconds (Registration retry) to set the frequency with which the adapter sends a "keep-alive" message to tell the NameServer that it is active. In addition, you can set the load balancing priority weight; choose the TCP/IP version; decide whether you want to enable dynamic property updates; determine how the AppServer responds to a connection issues.
5. Select the Server tab to display the following properties:
*General — Specify any startup parameters for BrokerConnect.
*Logging Setting — Specify a pathname for the server log file, the level of logging detail, and whether the logging for a session appends to or overwrites the previous broker log file.
*Pool Range — These settings determine the number of threads that the BrokerConnect agent can start up and maintain. One thread is required for each active client application.
6. Select the SSL category to show the following property subcategories:
*General — If you check the Enable SSL client connections box, select the alias for the private key/digital certificate entry (in the OpenEdge keystore) that you want to secure connections for this adapter instance. Also enter and confirm the password for this private key and digital certificate. You need not enter a password if you choose to use the default_server certificate and its default password.
*Advanced Features — By default, caching is enabled for the SSL client session, and you can enter a time-out value that specifies the length of time (in seconds) that a disconnected session is held in the cache. During this specified interval, a connected client can resume its session. To disable session caching, check the box.
The options in the SSL category options define the security settings for an SSL-enabled BrokerConnect instance. Note that a BrokerConnect enabled for SSL operation does not accept non-SSL client connections. For more information on SSL operations, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Core Business Services - Security and Auditing.
7. Select the Environment Variables if you want to specify environment variables for BrokerConnect execution. It allows you to enter name-value pairs for environment variable settings. Any values you set here override prior values set for the same environment variables in the operating system.
8. Click OK to save the configuration.