Operating system
-name AppServer-name -kill -start -stop -query -addservers number-to-start -trimservers number-to-trim -listclients -clientdetail connection-handle -listallprops -refresh -refreshStatus -cancelRefresh -host host-name -user user-name -user user-name -port port-number -help |
ConnHdl (connection handle)
A unique value that identifies the connection. This value is a monotonically increasing number that is assigned when the client connects to the AppServer.
The string passed as the user name parameter in the AppServer CONNECT method; otherwise blank. Interpretation of this value is dependent on the application.
Rmt IP(remote IP address )
The IP address of the host machine where the client resides.
Rmt Port(remote port number )
The port number of the client on the client host machine.
State(connection state)
A string that identifies the state of the connection at the time the query was performed. Possible values are:
ConnHdl User Rmt IP Rmt Port State
------- ---- ------ -------- -------- 1002 jsmith fd00:19d:808e:1::30 33445 RECEIVING 1003 ljones 33457 CONNECTED 1005 fe80::211:43ff:fe37:f598 3546 SENDING 1009 msardy 13457 CONNECTING |
connection ID
The globally unique identifier assigned to each client connection at the time the client connects to the AppServer.This is usually the same value that is accessible to the ABL client application using the CLIENT-CONNECTION-ID attribute on the server object handle, and to the ABL server application using the SERVER-CONNECTION-ID attribute on the session handle.
Note: In state-free operating mode, this value may not be the same as the CLIENT-CONNECTION-ID of the server object handle. In state-free mode, the server object handle is a pool of physical connections, each with a unique client connection ID. Therefore, in state-free operating mode, the CLIENT-CONNECTION-ID of the server object handle is the client connection ID of the first connection added to the pool of connections.
request count
The number of requests executed by the client on the connection including the connection request itself.
agent PID
The process identifier of the AppServer agent actively servicing a request from the specified client. Blank if no request is active.
agent port number
The listening port number of the AppServer agent actively servicing a request from the specified client. Blank if no request is active.
connection handle= 1002
username= moe1024 remote IP address= fd00:19d:808e:1::30 remote port number= 33445 connection state= SENDING connection ID= fd00:19d:808e:1::30::ub1::30901::218a44e2518a4557:3be3e697:11866ab798e:-7ffd request count= 5001 agent PID= 24336 agent port number= 2006 |
Start a local AppServer instance after starting the local controlling NameServer.
nsman -name NS1 -start
asbman -name AS1 -start |
Start a remote AppServer instance after starting a remote controlling NameServer.1
nsman -name NS1 -host nsserve -port
20950 -user daniel -start asbman -name AS1 -host asserve -port 20950 -user daniel -start |
Stop a local AppServer instance (AS1) and its controlling NameServer instance (NS1).
asbman -name AS1 -stop
nsman -name NS1 -stop |
asbman -name <name> -agentdetail <pid>
asbman -name <name> -agentkill <pid>
asbman -name <name> -agentstop <pid>
asbman -name <name> -refresh
asbman -name <name> -cancelRefresh
Refresh Active
If the refresh is not active, and if there was a refresh operation issued earlier, it shows the refreshStatus of that that operation
Refresh Start Time
Start time of the currently executing refresh operation. If no refresh is active, it shows the start time of the latest refresh operation that was completed
Refresh End Time
End time of the latest refresh operation that was completed. This is not applicable for a running refresh operation
Refresh Cancel Time
The time when a refresh operation was cancelled
Agents at refresh start
Integer value >= 0
Number of agents that were running at the time when refresh command was issued
Agents marked for refresh
Integer value >= 0
Number of agents that are marked to be refreshed. Agents that are busy will be marked for refresh and will be stopped only after they become available. Also the agents that were added after refresh operation started will not be refreshed. This field will be displayed for active refresh operation only.
New agents added during refresh
Integer value >= 0
No. of agents that got added after the refresh was issued. These agents won't be running old r-code, so they will not be marked for refresh
Agents at refresh cancel
Integer value >= 0
No. of agents running at the time of refresh cancellation
Agents refreshed
Integer value >= 0
It shows the actual number of agents refreshed for a refresh operation that is complete
Refresh operation count
Integer value >= 0
Number of times a refresh operation is invoked including the currently executing refresh operation since start of the broker
Refresh cancel count
Integer value >= 0
Number of times a refresh cancellation was is invoked since start of the broker
PID of agents marked for refresh
Integer value >= 0
Number of agents added after the refresh was issued. This doesn't include the agents that were started as replacement agents. This include agents added due to addservers or new client requests.
PID of agents refreshed
Integer value >= 0
List the PID of agents that were Refreshed(replaced by new agents)..
asbman -name <name> -refreshStatus