The REST Management Agent is implemented as a Java servlet that runs in the context of a Java container as a Web application.
When the REST Management Agent runs within the context of a Java container, several REST Web application instances can run within the context of the REST Management Agent. In addition to the REST Web applications, other applications can run within the Java container, including additional REST Management Agent instances.
You must ensure that all the REST Web applications reside in the same computer as the Web server. And whenever you import or copy a REST Web application (WAR) to the Web Server, ensure that the Web server is configured to unpackage and auto-deploy the applications.
For instance, if you are using a Tomcat Web server, you must ensure that the server.xml (in the ...\apache-tomcat-7.0.29\conf) is configured to handle unpackaging and auto-deployment as follows:
The server.xml file settings denote that the Tomcat Web server and all the REST Web applications reside in the same computer; hence, the Host name is set to localhost. Moreover, the values of unpackWARs and autoDeploy must be set to true. With this, whenever you import or copy a REST Web application (WAR) to the Tomcat Web server, the Web server automatically unpackages the WAR file and deploys it on the Web server.