Using JSDOs to create mobile and web clients : Managing JSDO login sessions : Requirements for creating a JSDO login session : Whether to enable cookies
Whether to enable cookies
You need to decide whether the web browsers or mobile devices where the client app runs will have cookies enabled. If the web application you access uses HTTP Form-based authentication, the mobile devices and web browsers that access the web application must have cookies enabled. Otherwise, the client app cannot login and access Data Object Services. If there is any question about the availability of cookies on client platforms, you might consider configuring HTTP Basic authentication for the web application instead, and set the session instances authenticationModel property accordingly.
If the web application uses HTTP Basic authentication and the mobile devices and web browsers will not have cookies enabled, you must set a property in the single sign-on (SSO) configuration of the web application to allow session logins to work from the client app. For more information, see the sections on enabling SSO for a web application in the administration documentation for your OpenEdge application server.