Using JSDOs to create mobile and web clients : Dynamic data binding for alternate client platforms : Using a custom template

Using a custom template

You can specify a different template for the list items using one of the following methods:
*Using the itemTemplate property in the initialization object for setListView( ).
*Calling the class-level method, progress.ui.UIHelper.setItemTemplate( ).
*By not specifying the format property. In this case, the UIHelper uses the first item element in the list view as the template for the items.
You can also specify a different template for the fields returned when calling getFormFields( ):
*Specify the fieldTemplate property in the initialization object for setDetailPage( ).
*Call the class-level method, progress.ui.UIHelper.setFieldTemplate( ).
Alternatively, you can define the layout for the detail page using HTML instead of calling getFormFields( ).
The default item template looks like this:
<li data-theme="c" data-id="{__id__}">
    <a href="#{__page__}" class="ui-link" data-transition="slide">{__format__}</a>
The default field template looks like this:
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
    <label for="{__name__}">{__label__}</label>
    <input id="{__name__}" name="{__name__}" placeholder="" value="" type="text" />
The templates use the following substitution parameters:
*Used when building the list items by calling addItem( ):
*{__id__} — The internal ID of the record
*{__page__} — The name attribute of the object passed as a parameter to setDetailPage( ), which defines the detail page
*{__format__} — The format attribute of the object passed as a parameter to setListView( ) or (optionally) to addItem( ), which identifies the fields to be included for each item in the list view
*Used for the HTML text returned when calling getFormFields( ):
*{__name__} — The field name in a table as defined by the name property in the catalog
*{__label__} — The label of the field in a table as defined by the title property in the catalog
The properties itemTemplate and the fieldTemplate can be used to change the template for a specific UIHelper instance.
For example:
    name: 'cust-listview',
    format: '{CustNum} {Name}<br>{Address}',
    autoLink: true,
    itemTemplate: '<li data-id="{__id__}"><a href="#{__page__}" >{__format__}</a></li>'
    name: 'cust-detail-page',
    fieldTemplate: '<input id="{__name__}"></input>'
The class-level methods progress.ui.UIHelper.setItemTemplate( ) and progress.ui.UIHelper.setFieldTemplate( ) can be used to change the template to be used by the UIHelper for a JavaScript session.
For example:
progress.ui.UIHelper.setItemTemplate('<li data-id="{__id__}"><a href="#{__page__}" >{__format__}</a></li>');
progress.ui.UIHelper.setFieldTemplate('<input id="{__name__}"></input>');