JSDO properties, methods, and events reference : subscribe( ) method (Session class)

subscribe( ) method (Session class)

Note: Deprecated in Progress Data Objects Version 4.4 and later. Please use the subscribe( ) method (JSDOSession class) instead.
Subscribes a given event callback function to an event of the current Session object.
Return type: null
Applies to: progress.data.Session class


subscribe ( event-name , event-handler [ , scope ] )
A string that specifies the name of an event on a Session object to which you subscribe an event handler. See the reference entry for the progress.data.Session class for a list of available events.
A reference to an event handler function that is called when the specified event fires.
An optional object reference that defines the execution scope of the event handler function called when the event fires. If the scope property is omitted, the execution scope is the global object (usually the browser or device window).
The subscribe( ) method throws an error object if event-name does not identify an event supported by the Session object (the lookup is case insensitive), or if an argument is not of the correct type.

See also:

unsubscribe( ) method (Session class)