Using the JSDO dialect of the Kendo UI DataSource : Sample Kendo UI DataSource instantiations using the JSDO dialect

Sample Kendo UI DataSource instantiations using the JSDO dialect

Following are sample Kendo UI DataSource instantiations using the JSDO dialect for both OpenEdge and Rollbase Data Object Services. Specific configuration features of the JSDO dialect are highlighted in bold.
Note that the main difference between DataSources instantiated for OpenEdge and Rollbase Data Object Services is that DataSources for Rollbase Object Services do not support batch mode (setting the DataSource batch property to true). One result of this is that error handling for DataSource record changes is simpler when using a Rollbase Data Object Service. For more information, see the description of error handling for each sample DataSource instantiation.
* Sample instantiation for an OpenEdge Data Object Service
* Sample instantiation for a Rollbase Data Object Service