JSDO properties, methods, and events reference : getFormRecord( ) method

getFormRecord( ) method

Returns a JSRecord object for the record shown in the form on the detail page.
Return type: progress.data.JSRecord class
Applies to: progress.ui.UIHelper class, table reference property (UIHelper class)


uihelper-ref.getFormRecord ( [ detail-page-name ] )
uihelper-ref.table-ref.getFormRecord ( [ detail-page-name ] )
A reference to a UIHelper instance. You can call the method on uihelper-ref if the JSDO associated with the instance has only a single table reference.
A table reference on the JSDO associated with the UIHelper instance, and that table reference has the record displayed in the form.
An optional string specifying the name of the detail page in the current form. If not specified, the method uses the name set with the setDetailPage( ) method.

See also:

getFormFields( ) method, setDetailPage( ) method