JSDO properties, methods, and events reference : display( ) method

display( ) method

Copies the field values of a given record to corresponding fields in the current HTML document for display in the form on the detail page.
The record is the working record of a table referenced in the JSDO memory of a JSDO that is associated with a UIHelper instance.
This method has no effect on the existing working record setting.
Return type: null
Applies to: progress.ui.UIHelper class, table reference property (UIHelper class)


uihelper-ref.display ( )
uihelper-ref.table-ref.display ( )
A reference to a UIHelper instance. You can call the method on uihelper-ref if the JSDO associated with the instance has only a single table reference, and that table reference has a working record.
A table reference that has a working on the JSDO associated with the UIHelper instance.
If a form field's id attribute, as specified by the HTML DOM, matches the name of a record field, the form field displays the value of the record field. If no HTML field corresponds to a given record field, the value of that field is not displayed.


The following code fragment shows the display( ) method displaying each record of an eCustomer table in JSDO memory to its respective row of a previously established jQuery listview:
dataSet = new progress.data.JSDO( 'dsCustomerOrder' );
uihelper = new progress.ui.UIHelper({ jsdo: dataSet });
    format: '{CustNum}<br>{Name}<br>{State}',
    autoLink: true

See also:

getFormFields( ) method