JSDO properties, methods, and events reference : connected property

connected property

Returns a boolean that indicates the most recent online status of the current JSDOSession or Session object when it last determined if the web application it manages was available.
If the property value is true, the object most recently determined that the session is connected and logged in to its web application. If its value is false, the session was last found to be disconnected. The default value is false.
Because of the dynamics of any network environment, the value of this property might not reflect the current status of the object's connection to its web application. You can therefore invoke the object's ping( ) method (either explicitly or automatically by setting the value of its pingInterval property) to update the object's most recent online status.
Data type: boolean
Access: Read-only
Applies to: progress.data.JSDOSession class, progress.data.Session class
The most recent session online status determination might be identified from any of the following:
*A successful result of the JSDOSession or Session object executing its login( ) method, which sets the property to true. Prior to calling login( ) for the first time, the value of this property is false.
*A successful result of the JSDOSession or Session object executing its logout( ) or invalidate( ) method, which sets the property to false.
*The JSDOSession or Session object receiving an offline or online event from its window object.
*A JSDO attempting to send a request to a Rollbase or OpenEdge Data Object Service that the JSDOSession or Session object manages.
*The result of the JSDOSession or Session object executing its ping( ) method.

See also:

login( ) method (JSDOSession class), login( ) method (Session class), offline event, online event, ping( ) method (JSDOSession class), ping( ) method (Session class)