Using JSDOs to create mobile and web clients : Managing JSDO login sessions : Requirements for creating a JSDO login session : Choosing appropriate URIs for the app type and its deployment location
Choosing appropriate URIs for the app type and its deployment location
For Data Object Services, in order to log into a web application and load any of its Data Service Catalogs, you need to provide appropriate URIs (relative or absolute) for both, depending on the client app type and where it is deployed.
If you are writing a web app, and it will be deployed to the same Apache Tomcat Web server as the web application it is accessing, all of these URIs can be relative to the web server root (domain or host and port). The web browser automatically appends these relative URIs to the web server root from which the web app is loaded. However, if a web app is deployed to a different web server from the one where the web application is deployed, all of these URIs must be absolute and include the web server root for the web application.
If you are writing a hybrid app, all of the URIs for the web application and its Data Service Catalogs must always be provided as absolute URIs, because a hybrid app is loaded and executed from the JSDO memory of the mobile device, which knows nothing about the web application its web app is going to access.
Note: In general, if a client app requires absolute URIs, you need to maintain separate JavaScript sources or configuration files for versions of the client app that you deploy for different web application environments, such as one for testing and another for production.