Namespace: OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Filter
Parent classes:
Inherits: Progress.Lang.Object

Copyright (c) 2014 by Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
Purpose:Indicates that a filter publishes events, and provides a method
for doing so.
Created:Mon Jul 07 15:02:06 EDT 2014
Notes:* Ideally the SubscribeListener() method would take a generic
parameter so that we could guarantee type-compliance at the
compiler. But we have to do it at runtime instead.
the handlers. Clearly these need to be in sync with each other,
otherwise we can end up with listeners that are never published
to, and events that have no listeners.

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
SubscribeListener (Object) /** Subscribes a listener to events from the implementing filter. @param Object The prospective listener. */
UnsubscribeListener (Object) /** Unsubscribes a listener to events from the implementing filter. @param Object The prospective listener. */

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
Progress.Lang.Class FilterEventListenerType /** Returns the type(class or interface) that an a potential listener must implement or inherit in order to handle events from this filter. */

Method Detail

SubscribeListener (Object)

Purpose: Subscribes a listener to events from the implementing filter.
poListener Progress.Lang.Object

UnsubscribeListener (Object)

Purpose: Unsubscribes a listener to events from the implementing filter.
poListener Progress.Lang.Object

Property Detail

Progress.Lang.Class FilterEventListenerType

Purpose: Returns the type(class or interface) that an a potential listener must
implement or inherit in order to handle events from this filter.
Returns Progress.Lang.Class

Copyright © 2017 Progress Software Corporation. All rights Reserved.

Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7