Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
AddAuthentication () |
/** Add authentication to this request. */ |
AddAuthenticationCallback (IAuthFilterEventHandler) |
/** Adds a subscriber to the events from this request
@param IAuthFilterEventHandler The EventProvider. */ |
INTEGER GetAuthenticationCallbacks (IAuthFilterEventHandler[]) |
/** Returns the registered listeners.
@param IAuthFilterEventHandler[] An array of listeners
@return integer The number of registgered listeners. */ |
RemoveAuthenticationCallback (IAuthFilterEventHandler) |
SetChallenge (character, character) |
/** Sets the authentication challenge information for this request.
@param character The authentication method
@param character The challenge text */ |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
AuthenticatedRequest (IHttpRequest) |
Options | Name | Purpose | |||||
CHARACTER AuthenticationChallenge |
/** The challenge text required for creating the authentication response,
typically from a 401/Unauthorized response. This is usually the contents
of the WWW-Authenticate header, but might also be a chunk of HTML for
Forms-based authentication requests. */ |
CHARACTER AuthenticationMethod |
/** The authentication method for this request. Defaults to none/blankNone */ |
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Credentials Credentials |
/** Credentials to be used for authentication */ |
AddAuthentication ()
AddAuthenticationCallback (IAuthFilterEventHandler)
INTEGER GetAuthenticationCallbacks (IAuthFilterEventHandler[])
RemoveAuthenticationCallback (IAuthFilterEventHandler)
SetChallenge (character, character)
AuthenticatedRequest (IHttpRequest)
CHARACTER AuthenticationChallenge
CHARACTER AuthenticationMethod
OpenEdge.Net.HTTP.Credentials Credentials
Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7