Namespace: OpenEdge.DataAdmin
Parent classes:
Inherits: OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IPartitionParent

/* Copyright (c) 2013 by progress Software Corporation
/* all rights reserved. no part of this program or document
/* may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
/* permission in writing from progress Software Corporation.
Purpose:interface for partition owner (tenant, tenant group or partition policy detail)
Created:Feb 2013
Notes:Not mapped directly to any data source
Sub interfaces
- ITenant
- ITenantGroup
- IPartitionPolicyDetail

Method Summary
Options Name Purpose
LOGICAL Allocate () /** Allocates the owner's partitions - (the parent must be passed to a service update or create method to commit the changes) */

Property Summary
Options Name Purpose
INTEGER Id /** Id internal unique integer identifier - read-only - generated by database (internal - dump and load will generate a new id) */
LOGICAL IsAllocated /** IsAllocated <b>true</b> if all partitions have a state of Allocated or None false if any partition have a state of Delayed Use Allocate() to allocate delayed partitions Owners that has a single table and does not support delayed partitions implements this as directly exposing if it has allocated partitions. (all partitions are allocated in synch for a table) */
LOGICAL IsDataEnabled /** IsDataEnabled default true gives access to partitioned data set to false to prevent access to partitioned data (only shared data accessible) */
OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IPartitionMap Partitions /** Partitions IPartitionMap property with all partitions of the tenant mapped by ISchemaElement (ITable,IIndex,IField) */

Method Detail

LOGICAL Allocate ()

Purpose: Allocates the owner's partitions - (the parent must be passed to a service
update or create method to commit the changes)

Property Detail


Purpose: Id internal unique integer identifier - read-only - generated by database
(internal - dump and load will generate a new id)

LOGICAL IsAllocated

Purpose: IsAllocated
<b>true</b> if all partitions have a state of Allocated or None
false if any partition have a state of Delayed
Use Allocate() to allocate delayed partitions
Owners that has a single table and does not support delayed partitions implements this
as directly exposing if it has allocated partitions. (all partitions are allocated in synch for a table)

LOGICAL IsDataEnabled

Purpose: IsDataEnabled
default true gives access to partitioned data
set to false to prevent access to partitioned data
(only shared data accessible)

OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IPartitionMap Partitions

Purpose: Partitions IPartitionMap property with all partitions of the tenant
mapped by ISchemaElement (ITable,IIndex,IField)
Returns OpenEdge.DataAdmin.IPartitionMap

Copyright © 2017 Progress Software Corporation. All rights Reserved.

Progress® OpenEdge® Release 11.7