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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Troubleshoot problems : Enhanced Mapped Diagnostic Content Logging in PAS for OpenEdge : MDC Logging Output Format
MDC Logging Output Format
The standard output format of an MDC log across components consists of 3 colon-separated values in the following order: webapp:transport:requestId. The requestId value is left-padded hex, so an example output could be the following: ROOT:w:0000000a.
For the transport, the following abbreviations are used to determine the source:
*W = Web
*F = File
For any request, the Tomcat Access log outputs this format exactly as stated if the pattern was modified. However, any message or standard output within the ABL Agent log is preceded by R- when the feature is enabled. If the message only comes from the internal Multi-Session Agent code then the output appears as R-?:?:? or simply R-mtapsv:-:?. When a message is output during execution of code from a transport request, then OERequestInfo is available and the expected values are provided for webapp, transport, and request ID.