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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge : Manage and monitor an instance : New content for management REST APIs : Enable or disable ABL object tracking
Enable or disable ABL object tracking


Enable or disable the tracking of ABL objects. When enabled, ABL objects are tracked to identify potential memory leaks. To generate a report of these objects, see Get a report of tracked ABL objects. When object tracking is not required, disable. Disabled by default.

HTTP Operation




Media type


Response codes

200 Success
500 Unexpected Server Error

Command-line example

curl -X PUT -v -u username:password http://localhost:16680/oemanager/applications/oepas1/18668/ABLObjects/status

Request body example

{"enable":{"true" | "false"} }

Response body example

Result returns true when value is changed. To get the current value, see Check ABL object tracking status.
"result": true,
"errmsg": "",
"versionStr": "v11.7.4 ( 2018-09-17 )",
"versionNo": 1,
"outcome": "SUCCESS",
"operation": "TRACK ABL OBJECTS"