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OpenEdge Data Object Handler : Create a mapping file

Create a mapping file

After creating a DOH-based ABL service, you describe its service interface in JSON in a mapping file with the extension .map. The DOH uses this mapping file to execute the service's operations. If a client application attempts to call an endpoint or service that is not described in the mapping file, the DOH returns a 404 (Not Found) error.
Create a new text file in your ABL web app project's /PASOEContent/WEB-INF/openedge folder with the same name as the ABL service and with the extension .map (for example, The matching filename instructs the DOH to use the mapping file for the service's operations. Placing it in the “openedge” folder makes it discoverable in the application PROPATH.

Initialize the service

At minimum, you need to define a single service within a services object. Like this:
{ "services":
"HelloService": {
"version": "1.0.0"
The service name must match the ABL service and resource URI name that you set while creating the ABL service. The “version” property defines the version of the service and should follow the Semantic Versioning pattern (for example,. “1.0.0”). The JSON snippet, as shown in this example, provides just enough to make the service discoverable but does not do much else. Without this minimum configuration, the server would only return an HTTP-404 response for the service.