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Server Technologies : Working with OpenEdge JMS Adapter : Setting Environment Variables

Setting Environment Variables

You must set the following environment variables before starting the OpenEdge JMS Adapter:
*JMSPROVIDER — Specify the JMS provider name. This name must match the name provided in the JMSPROVIDERFILE field. The default is SonicMQ.
*JMSPROVIDERFILE — Specify the full path of the JMS Provider Properties file. The default is DLC/properties/
*JMSCLIENTJAR — Specify the full path of the JMS Client jar file. The default is DLC/sonic/MQ10.0/lib/sonic_client.jar. If there are more than one jar file, provide the paths as comma-separated values.
You can set the above environment variables in the proenv shell. However, if you want the setting to continue, you can edit the oemessaging.bat script and add the environment variables directly to the script, as follows:
1. Open the oemessaging script in a text editor of your choice.
2. Locate the User Defined Environment Variables section at the start of the script. The section is commented-out with the settings.
3. Uncomment the section and provide values appropriate to your JMS provider.