OpenEdge Examples
Resource Owner
A user who is the owner of data stored, accessed through, and protected by, a Resource Server. As data owners, they can authorize a Client to access and perform certain operations on data stored on a Resource Server.
An application that uses an access token from an Authorization Server to gain access to the Resource Owner data that is hosted by a Resource Server.
Each Client is defined by a unique ID ( client_id ) that is registered with an Authorization Server, inserted into an OAuth2 Access Token, and validated by the Resource Server.
JavaScript client applications
Resource Server
The web server data service that hosts and authorizes Client access to a Resource Owner’s data based on an Access Token's client_id, user-identity and granted scope.
ABL business applications (Spring OAuth2 in OEABL web applications)
Authorization Server
A server that validates a Resource Owner's credentials. Maintaining a list of registered Clients and Resource Servers, it calls on an Authentication Server for identity verification. If authorization is successful, it issues access tokens to a Client on behalf of the Resource Owner.
N/A (3rd party products)
A web browser, or some other type of framework that hosts Client applications.
Browsers, mobile devices, Node js, etc.
Authentication Server
A server, undefined in the standard, that is used by an Authorization Server to authenticate the Resource Owner's identity. Oncer the Resource Owner's identity is authenticated, the Authorization Server can continue its authorization process for issuing an access token.
N/A (3rd party products associated with the Authorization Server )