Field annotations
Displays the TempTables available for the class file. Select the required TempTable.
Select the field that you want to add annotations for.
Annotation type
Select the type of annotation that you want to add. The valid values are Semantic type and Foreign Key.
Note: If you want to add multiple fields to the same Foreign key, edit the annotations in the business entity file manually.
Foreign Key Name
If you selected Foreign key, provide a name for the Foreign key field.
Parent Schema File
If you selected Foreign key, browse to the file that has the schema defined.
Note: Ensure that the selected file has file-level REST or DataObject annotations and Temp-table schema.
Parent Table
If you selected Foreign key, select the table that displays the TempTables defined in the selected schema file.
Parent field
If you selected Foreign key, select a field from the parent table that can be referred to as a parent for the selected field.
The Data Object interface annotations are added to the selected ABL applications and closes the Define Service Interface wizard.