Element type | Element name | Element value |
constructor-arg | [first argument] | Comma separated list of the URLs used to connect to servers that supply LDAP Directory Services. |
property | base | The root DN of the Directory Service (if not specified in the LDAP Service URL). |
property | userDn | Full Distinguished Name of the user that can log into the Directory Service and perform user account searches. |
property | password | The password for the user specified in the userDn property. |
baseEnvironmentProperties | Optional. Passes Java system properties to the Java JNDI service. (See note below.) |
<property name="baseEnvironmentProperties"> <map> <!—set the connection timeout in milli-seconds 0 = use TCP socket connection timeout 1 – n = timeout connection in milliseconds <entry key="com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout" value="0" /> </map> </property> |
Element type | Element name | Element value |
constructor-arg | [first argument] | DN of where a group query begins. |
constructor-arg | [second argument] | The LDAP query string used to find a user's account in the Directory Service. The default is “(uid={0})”. Note: The {0} is a required value. It is a token that represents the user account that is being validated. Also see the Note below. |
property | searchSubtree | Enable/disable subtree searches for user account objects. The default is false, which disables subtree searching. |
Generic Directory Service (unix) (uid={0}) Windows Active Directory (sAMAccountName={0}) (userPrincipalName={0}) (mail={0}) |
Element type | Element name | Element value |
constructor-arg | [second argument] | DN of where the group query begins. |
property | groupSearchFilter | The LDAP query string used to find the user group objects. The default is “(member={0})”. (In some LDAP implementations the name is memberof.) Note: The {0} is a required value. It is a token that represents the user account that is being validated. |
property | groupRoleAttribute | The Group object’s attribute holding the user account DN returned from the user account search. |
property | searchSubtree | Enable/disable subtree searches for user account objects. The default is false, which disables subtree searching. |
property | ignorePartialResultException | Ignore status notifications from a failure to locate any group objects. The default is false, which means that errors are not ignored. Status notifications of this type can result from the LDAP configuration. |
property | rolePrefix | The prefix assigned to the role obtained from an LDAP group search. In OpenEdge, the prefix ROLE_ is typically used to designate it as a Spring Security role. |
property | convertToUpperCase | Converts the group object name located in the search to uppercase. The default is true. |