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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge : Working with Web UI Project Type : Publishing a Web UI project
Publishing a Web UI project
The Web UI project is published to the PAS instance that you selected while creating the project. You can also publish it to another PAS instance using the Add and Remove dialog box in the Servers view.
Note: For more information on changing the publishing settings, see PAS Server Editor.
1. In the Servers view, right-click a PAS instance that you want the project to be deployed to, and select Add and Remove. The Add and Remove page opens.
2. Select the Web UI project and click Add to move it to the Configured section.
3. Click Finish. The project and its content is published to the selected PAS instance.
If you want to publish already associated project, do one of the following to publish:
*Select Publish from the context menu
*Select the Publish to the server icon on the Servers view toolbar
If all assigned or added modules on server are published successfully, then the Servers view displays the status of the server as Started, Synchronized and the status of the server modules as Synchronized, Published.
Note: A single .WAR file is created for each Web UI project. If the project is already published, then any changes to the Web UI project are published incrementally.
* PAS Server Editor