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OpenEdge 11.6.1 New Information : OpenEdge DataServer for Oracle

OpenEdge DataServer for Oracle

OpenEdge Release 11.6.1 provides the ability to enable the ABL to SQL correlation in logging for the Oracle® DataServer. Using the ABL to SQL correlation in logging, you can compare ABL database requests with SQL directives that are executed on the server.
ABL to SQL correlation is part of the Enhanced Logger functionality, and is enabled with the following -Dsrv switch:
-Dsrv logentrytypes,SQL:2,PRGRS_LOG_ABL,n
The following table describes the PRGRS_LOG_ABL connect option values:
Table 7. PRGRS_LOG_ABL connect option values
Option Value
Disables the ABL to SQL correlation feature. No correlation information will be logged.
Enables the ABL to SQL correlation feature for SQL-related log entry types. Every SQL request derived from the log entry type output is preceded by ABL filename and line number which can be correlated to a compiled listings file.
Enables a superset of value 1 which, along with correlation information, includes visual delimiters marking the start and end of each ABL file module.
Note: This feature was previously documented in Progress OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Oracle, but not supported until this release. See the book for more details on using this feature.