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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge : Working with Web UI Project Type : Migrating an existing project to a Web UI project
Migrating an existing project to a Web UI project
You can migrate an existing project, and all its services, to a Web UI project to deploy the project to PAS.
To migrate:
1. Remove all the services from the existing projects that are related to the project that you are migrating.
2. Select the project and click Properties > Project Facets. The Project Facets page opens.
3. Clear the facets related to the current project.
Note: You cannot migrate any project that has ABL AppServer 11.6, AppServer 11, Dynamics, or WebSpeed facets.
4. Click Apply.
5. Select Web UI facet check box.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click OK. The project is now a Web UI project.