The WebHandler service provider imposes the following limitations on the coding for any Business Entity (or other service interface) used to implement a resource for the Data Object Service:
No current support for ABL procedures as Business Entities — You can only code user-defined ABL classes as Business Entities for access by the WebHandler. As a workaround, you can call into any procedure (.p) that was previously used as a resource service interface from the ABL class.
No support for DEFINE TEMP-TABLE x LIKE y — A Business Entity (or other service interface) for access by the WebHandler cannot contain a temp-table definition as part of its schema that includes the LIKE option. For example:
DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttCustomer LIKE Customer.
If any Business Entity is a resource of a Data Object Service defined with WebHandler, and contains a TEMP-TABLE statement with LIKE as part of its schema, returns an error to any client app that invokes a Read operation on that Business Entity, and the operation fails as a result.