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OpenEdge 11.6.3 New Information : Data Object Services : New WebHandler service provider : Coding limitations for service interfaces
Coding limitations for service interfaces
The WebHandler service provider imposes the following limitations on the coding for any Business Entity (or other service interface) used to implement a resource for the Data Object Service:
*No current support for ABL procedures as Business Entities — You can only code user-defined ABL classes as Business Entities for access by the WebHandler. As a workaround, you can call into any procedure (.p) that was previously used as a resource service interface from the ABL class.
*No support for DEFINE TEMP-TABLE x LIKE y — A Business Entity (or other service interface) for access by the WebHandler cannot contain a temp-table definition as part of its schema that includes the LIKE option. For example:
DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttCustomer LIKE Customer.
If any Business Entity is a resource of a Data Object Service defined with WebHandler, and contains a TEMP-TABLE statement with LIKE as part of its schema, returns an error to any client app that invokes a Read operation on that Business Entity, and the operation fails as a result.