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OpenEdge 11.6.1 New Information : Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge

Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge

Release 11.6.1 of OpenEdge for Progress Developer Studio includes:
*Support for transport properties — When you create an ABL Web App project, by default the merge.template file is available in the <prj>/PASOEContent/WEB-INF/tlr location, with the default values for all supported transports. You can update the default values of these transports editing the values in the merge.template, and then exporting the application.
For example, if you do not support SOAP clients, you can change the SOAP transport’s adapterEnabled property in the merge.template file from 1 to 0 as shown below:
# Transport properties for the SOAP protocol
For 11.6.1, the modified values (if any) are considered only at the time of exporting the application as a complete Web Application, and not if you are exporting it incrementally. When publishing the application, the modified values are not taken into consideration.
*Designing reports for OpenEdge applications — Telerik provides a reporting designer, Telerik Reporting, to design reports for OpenEdge applications. You can design reports using one of the following ways:
*From an OpenEdge database using an ODBC connection.
*By calling ABL data through the Application Server using the OpenClient. Since there are many complex steps involved in fetching ABL data, Telerik now provides a new DataSource called OpenEdge OpenClient DataSource. It enables you to complete end-to-end reporting, from creating reports to deploying reports in ABL by using the Report Viewer control in ABL Forms. For more information on OpenEdge OpenClient DataSource, see the Telerik documentation (
OpenEdge OpenClient DataSource supports only temptables and .p file as the output parameter. This DataSource cannot fetch data if the ABL logic is written in internal procedures or functions, for arrays, and for primitives in output parameters. For such cases, you must write your .NET code calling the ABL logic through the Application Server (using .NET OpenClient) and generate assemblies for client by using Object DataSource.