Extension Points and Source Code Customization : Custom templates : Using custom templates in the Designer

Using custom templates in the Designer

When you have custom view templates in a project and you open the Add View dialog to add a view to a module, it displays the custom view templates following the built-in templates similar to this:
Figure 43. Add View dialog box with custom templates
In this figure, the Add View dialog is scrolled to show all the custom view templates after you have copied them to the project. They are listed in alphabetical order following the last built-in view template, Hierarchical Data Grid. If you have copied only selected starter view templates, only the templates you copied are listed as custom templates.
Note that the Designer displays the all lower-case-hyphenated custom template names with all words in initial caps and the hyphens replaced with spaces, similar to the built-in template names. The icons shown for the custom templates are also customizable and are provided as a graphics file in the design-time folder of each template sub-folder.
Also, in any Blank view design page that you open, the custom component templates follow the built-in component templates in the COMPONENTS pane similar to this:
Figure 44. COMPONENTS pane with custom templates
In this figure the COMPONENTS pane on the left is scrolled to the top showing the Custom Grid template listed after the built-in templates for the Data Management components. The same COMPONENTS pane on the right is scrolled to the bottom of the Editors list showing the supported templates for all custom editor components starting with Custom Auto Complete, all listed in alphabetical order after the last built-in editor component template, Url Text Box.
Similar to the starter view templates, if you have copied only selected starter component templates, only the templates you copied are listed as custom templates. The icons for custom component templates are also customizable.