Extension Points and Source Code Customization : Row templates : Row template format

Row template format

The format of the row template is similar to the definition for an HTML table row.
It uses a combination of <tr></tr> to specify the row and <td></td> to specify the columns (table data).
The data-uid attribute is required to determine the data associated with the row.
You can use #= FieldName # or #: FieldName # for a column element to refer to a field in the data, or use # JavaScriptCode # to execute JavaScript code.
You can use HTML tags such as <img> or <strong> to define how to show the data.
The following code shows an example row template:
<tr data-uid="#= uid #">
<td><b>#= EmpNum #</b></td>
<td>#= LastName #</td>
<td>#= FirstName #</td>
<td>#= State #</td>
For more information on working with row templates in Kendo UI, see http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-rowTemplate and http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-altRowTemplate.