Editor Type in Form Fields | Editor Type in Data Source | Properties, events, and notes |
Boolean Radio Button List | bool-radio-set | A radio button set with two possible boolean values (true or false). Default Value: Sets the initial state of the buttons. Check the box to set the True button value, or leave unchecked to set the False button value (the default). True text: The label that appears next to the True button ("True" by default). False text: The label that appears next to the False button ("False" by default). Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Calendar | calendar | A graphical calendar that supports navigation and selection. Min and Max Date (optional): The minimum (earliest) and maximum (latest) dates that can be displayed. Default Date (optional): The date initially displayed. Date Format: Specifies the date format used by the calendar component's underlying value( ) function. See http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/calendar#configuration-value for more information. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for these event functions must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Check Box | check-box | A box that displays with a check mark or empty, depending on the boolean value of the component. Value: Check this box to set the initial state of the component to true, or leave the box empty to set its initial state to false. Disabled: Check this box to disable the check box, or leave it unchecked to make the check box active. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Combo Box | combo-box | This editor type binds to a data source to display a list of values that the user can both select and edit. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Note: This editor type supports the Lookup semantic type that identifies foreign key fields defined in a data source. Most of the properties of this editor type are provided by the data source where the foreign keys are defined, some of which you must set to identify the lookup (reference) data source and its displayed field. For more information, see Adding data sources. |
Currency Text Box | currency-input | A specialized version of a text-box for currency. Decimals: The number of decimal places displayed. Default Value: The amount initially displayed in the text box. The user can edit or delete this amount as needed. Down Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the down arrow. Min and Max: The minimum and maximum values allowed, respectively. Placeholder: The amount that initially appears in the text box. Unlike Default Value, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text box. Step: The interval the entered value changes for each click of the down or up arrow. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Up Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the up arrow. Show Spinners: Select to display up and down arrows that change the field value when clicked by the increasing or decreasing Step-specified interval. Not selected by default. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Date Picker | date-input | A specialized drop down editor type that allows you to select a date value from a drop down calendar. Min and Max Date: The minimum (earliest) and maximum (latest) dates that can be displayed. Default Date: The date initially displayed. Date Format: The format the date is displayed in once the user has made a selection. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Date Time Picker | date-time-input | A specialized drop down editor type that allows you to select a date and time value from a drop down calendar. Min and Max Date: The minimum (earliest) and maximum (latest) dates and times that can be displayed. Default Date: The date and time initially displayed. Date Format: The format for how the date and time are displayed. Time Interval: The interval, in minutes, between selectable values in the time drop-down menu, e.g., a value of 30 gives users the choice of 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, etc. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Disabled Text Box | plain-text | Use the disabled text box to display read-only text. Default Value: The text initially displayed in the text box. You can edit or delete this text as needed. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. |
Drop Down List | drop-down-list | This editor type binds to a data source to display a list of values that the user can select. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Note: This editor type supports the Lookup semantic type that identifies foreign key fields defined in a data source. Most of the properties of this editor type are provided by the data source where the foreign keys are defined, some of which you must set to identify the lookup (reference) data source and its displayed field. For more information, see Adding data sources. |
Editor | editor | A customizable HTML editor. Encoded: Indicates whether the editor submits encoded HTML. Resizable Content: If checked, the user can resize the editor. Min and Max: The smallest and largest size the user can choose for the size of the editor. Toolbar: When checked, the formatting tools are limited to one row at the top of the editor, with the tools that do not fit organized into a drop-down menu. When unchecked, the tools are organized into as many rows as necessary. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Tools: Select one or more formatting tools available to your users. Once selected, any tool can be removed by clicking the X next to its name. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Email Text Box | email-input | A specialized version of a text-box for e-mail addresses. Debounce: The delay, in milliseconds, between user input and the running of the Change Event Function. Default Value: The e-mail address initially displayed in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Placeholder: The e-mail address initially displayed in the text box. Unlike Default Value, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text box. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Integer Text Box | integer-input | A specialized version of a text-box for integer values only. Default Value: The integer initially displayed in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Down Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the down arrow. Placeholder: The integer initially displayed in the text box. Unlike Default Value, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text-box. Step: The interval the entered value changes for each click of the down or up arrow. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Up Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the up arrow. Show Spinners: Select to display up and down arrows that change the field value when clicked by the increasing or decreasing Step-specified interval. Not selected by default. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Numeric Text Box | numeric-input | A specialized version of a text-box for numeric values only. Decimals: The number of decimals displayed. Default Value: The number initially displayed in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Down Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the down arrow. Format: The numeric format for the input. See http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/maskedtextbox#configuration-mask for the supported numeric types. Placeholder: The number initially displayed in the text box. Unlike Default Value, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text-box. Step: The interval the entered value changes for each click of the down or up arrow. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Up Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the up arrow. Show Spinners: Select to display up and down arrows that change the field value when clicked by the increasing or decreasing Step-specified interval. Not selected by default. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Password Text Box | password-input | A specialized version of a text-box for passwords. Placeholder: The text initially displayed in the text box. This text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text box. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Debounce: The delay, in milliseconds, between user input and the running of the Change Event Function. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Percent Text Box | percent-input | A specialized version of a text-box for percent values only. Use this when the percent values in the database must be multiplied by 100 before appending the % symbol for proper display (e.g., the database value of 0.256 will be displayed as 25.6%). Decimals: The number of decimal places displayed. Default Value: The value that initially appears in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Down Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the down arrow. Placeholder: The value that initially appears in the text box. Unlike initial text, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text-box. Step: The interval the entered value changes for each click of the down or up arrow. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Up Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the up arrow. Show Spinners: Select to display up and down arrows that change the field value when clicked by the increasing or decreasing Step-specified interval. Not selected by default. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Percent Value Text Box | percent-value-input | A specialized version of a text-box for percent values only. Use this when the percent values in the database only need the addition of the % symbol for proper display (e.g., the database value of 25 will be displayed as 25%). Decimals: The number of decimal places displayed. Default Value: The value that initially appears in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Down Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the down arrow. Placeholder: The value that initially appears in the text box. Unlike Default Value, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text-box. Step: The interval the entered value changes for each click of the down or up arrow. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Up Arrow Text: The text shown when the user hovers over the up arrow. Show Spinners: Select to display up and down arrows that change the field value when clicked by the increasing or decreasing Step-specified interval. Not selected by default. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Phone Text Box | phone-number-input | A specialized version of a text-box for phone numbers. Mask: Specifies the input mask. For example, (000) 000-0000 allows the user to enter a standard U.S., 10-digit phone number. Default Value: The value that initially appears in the text box. The user can edit or delete this text as needed. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for this event function must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Slider | numeric-slider | A rich editor type for selecting numeric values. Orientation: Chooses a horizontal or vertical orientation for the slider. Show Buttons: Select to display decrease and increase arrow buttons on either end of the slider. Selected by default. Step: The interval that determines which values on the slider are valid, e.g., a step of 0.5 on a range of 1 to 10 allows users to select 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, etc. Default Value: The number at which the slider is initially positioned. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. Slide Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user moves the drag handle. The code for these event functions must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Text Box | text-input | A general purpose text box. Placeholder: Text that initially appears in the text box. This text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text box. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Debounce: The delay, in milliseconds, between user input and the running of the Change Event Function. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for these event functions must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |
Url Text Box | url-input | A specialized version of a text-box for URLs. Debounce: The delay, in milliseconds, between user input and the running of the Change Event Function. Placeholder: The URL initially displayed in the text box. Unlike Default Text, this text automatically disappears when the user clicks on the text box. Title Text: This optional text appears when a user hovers over the editor type. Events: Change Event Function: The name of a JavaScript function that runs when the user makes a change to the underlying field value. The code for these event functions must be included in the file, application-folder\app\src\modules\module-folder\view-folder\controller.public.js. See Kendo UI Builder by Progress: Modernizing OpenEdge Applications for more information about extensions and event functions. |