Sonic Management API

Notifications Overview

This documentation describes the notifications exposed by components managed within the Sonic Management environment.
The following components expose notifications:
See Also:


A notification encapsulates information about a significant event that has occured during the execution of a container or a component. The notification includes:

Notifications are received by management clients once they have subscribed to them on a particular component. Notification subscription and viewing can be performed through:
Notifications are classified into trees of related types. Each notification's path in the tree is represented using a list of strings, where each token describes a branch or leaf. The canonical form of the path is displayed as a period '.' delimited list, e.g. "system.state.Online".

Threshold Alert Notifications

Certain metrics allow thresholds to be defined for the purpose of asynchronous notification when those thresholds are exceeded. Which metrics allow thresholds to be specified is documented in a particular component type's documentation, e.g. the SonicMQ broker allows thresholds to be specified for the messages delivered to a particular connection identity.

The term used for the notification generated as a result of a threshold having been exceeded is an alert notification. Alert notifications are named based on their source metric (e.g. application.alert.connection.messages.ReceivedPerSecond for the example above) and encapsulate the actual value of the metric and the time the threshold was exceeded.

Where thresholds are allowed, multiple threshold values may be specified. Additionally some metrics allow for both high and low thresholds to be defined.

Sonic Management API

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