Progress Sonic 8.0.1 Release Notes This document lists known issues and resolved issues specific to the current release of Progress Sonic, 8.0.1, (referred to in these notes as "this release"). Each issue is preceded by its Progress Sonic 'SNC' identifier, and (when relevant) its 'Sonic' identity in legacy tracking systems. For some product packages, the issues are grouped by component product, and then categorized within the product. KNOWN ISSUES The known issues in this release and applicable workarounds are the following: 1. Sonic BPEL Service 2. Sonic BPEL Server 3. SonicMQ C/C++/COM Clients 4. SonicMQ .NET Clients 5. Sonic Database Service 6. WorkbenchContainers 7. WorkbenchEditors and Tools 8. WorkbenchGeneral 9. WorkbenchSamples 10. SonicMQ Resource Adapter for JCA 11. Launcher Installer 12. Sonic Deployment Manager 13. SonicESB Actional Integration 14. SonicESB Containers 15. SonicESB Content-based Routing and Transformation 16. SonicESB DataXtend Semantic Integrator 17. SonicESB Editors and Tools 18. SonicESB Endpoints 19. SonicESB ESB Processes and Services 20. SonicESB Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall 21. SonicESB Management Tools 22. SonicESB Messaging Broker 23. SonicESB Samples 24. SonicESB Web Services 25. SonicMQ Administration 26. SonicMQ Fault Tolerance 27. SonicMQ HTTP 28. SonicMQ Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall 29. SonicMQ Management Framework 30. SonicMQ Management Tools 31. SonicMQ Messaging Broker 32. SonicMQ Messaging Client 33. SonicMQ Multibroker 34. SonicMQ Security 35. SonicMQ Third Party 36. Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall ================================================================================ Sonic - Sonic BPEL Service _______________________________ SNC00078620 Response handling with WSA headers might need additional configuration --- In certain response handling use cases where ESB is attempting to send a response to an incoming SOAP message that has WSA headers in it, you might see an exception like the following: "org.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Unable to send a response. No JMSReplyTo set on inbound message." To workaround this you should enable WS-RM on the Process Engine. See release note for SNC00078507 for further details. ================================================================================ Sonic - Sonic BPEL Server _______________________________ SNC00066181 Sonic00041011 Specifying connection timeout for MySQL --- This note applies when the MySQL database is used for backend storage. In previous releases, no timeouts were set for connecting to the database. In the presence of network connectivity issues, this could cause the BPEL engine to appear to be hung while atttempting to connect or reconnect to the database. As of 7.6.1 a default timeout of 60 seconds is set for both connection and socket activity. You can modify these defaults by setting the following system properties (specify values in seconds): bpel.mysql.connectTimeout bpel.mysql.socketTimeout _______________________________ SNC00065624 Sonic00040589 The BPEL engine does not insert xsi:type attributes --- The BPEL engine does not insert xsi:type attributes. If invoking services which require the presence of this attribute for correct operation, the user should model their BPEL process to insert the appropriate QName for the actual type of the content. _______________________________ SNC00065207 Sonic00040336 Maximum HSQL DB size is limited --- When using HSQL DB, the maximum database size is limited to 200MB. Refer to the HSQLDB documentation for a full description of the configurable properties and defaults. _______________________________ SNC00064980 Sonic00040194 Process headers set by the process are not passed back to the ESBPEL --- When using ESBPEL to invoke BPEL, process headers set by the process are not passed back to the ESBPEL. A BPEL process cannot modify message or transport headers on a reply message to an .esbpel step. Any changes made to headers in the BPEL process will not be propagated back to the itinerary message. Note that the BPEL process can read headers from the incoming request message; and can create or manipulate headers for an outgoing invocation message. This only applies to reply messages to an esbpel step. _______________________________ SNC00058175 Sonic00036102 Setting HSQLDB WRITE_DELAY option --- The default embedded storage uses HSQLDB. Configuration and tuning of the HSQLDB database can be done by modifying the files: Bpel.script These files are generated in the embedded storage directory when the BPEL service first starts and the database is created. By default these files can be found in the staging directory of the service, under domainName.containerName\containerName. serviceName\data. For example: staging_dir\Domain1.dev_BPEL\dev_BPEL.BPELInstances\data By modifying these files and restarting the BPEL Service you can control the HSQLDB write delay and many other tuning properties. Refer to the HSQLDB documentation for a full description of the available properties. Note that the .script file defines the schema and maintains the initial values for autoincrement columns, so exercise care when modifying this file. _______________________________ SNC00058031 Sonic00036008 Multiple BPEL Services in a single ESB container can cause memory exceptions --- Each BPEL Service deployed to an ESB container loads its own copy of the BPEL engine classes. Deploying many BPEL Services to the same container increases the memory required for loading classes and could lead to OutOfMemory exceptions. The JVM setting "-XX:MaxPermSize" can be used to allocate more memory for classloading. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ C/C++/COM Clients _______________________________ SNC00015395 Sonic00008203 TMJOIN is not supported in this release --- In XA, TMJOIN is not supported. _______________________________ SNC00013125 Sonic00006722 Samples will not work with character input in excess of 118 characters: --- The sample applications have input buffers hardcoded at 120 bytes. Entering more than 118 characters at the user prompt will cause runtime errors, possibly program termination. _______________________________ SNC00007797 Sonic00003816 Compiler warnings are generated during link phase --- The Solaris and Windows link phase are generating benign warning messages. Please ignore them. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ .NET Clients _______________________________ SNC00042546 Sonic00026669 Availability of gacutil --- The register.bat and unregister.bat convenience scripts assume the presence of the gacutil.exe utility on the deployed system. However, this may not always be available depending on the software installed. In case gacutil is not available, the user can use .NET 1.1 Configuration tool available via the Windows Control Panel to add and remove the assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). _______________________________ SNC00042066 Sonic00026404 Thread interrupts not supported --- The SonicMQ .NET client does not support the use of interrupt() on any thread operating within its context. This implies that a user is responsible for ensuring that the interrupted state of any thread that is used to invoke the SonicMQ .NET Client API method be cleared prior to entry into the API method. Furthermore, it is illegal to interrupt a message listener thread while it is operating in user code. Failure to do so will result in unpredictable behavior. _______________________________ SNC00042064 Sonic00026403 Publish might return write failure during fault-tolerant reconnect --- A publish or send operation concurrently initiated with a fault-tolerant reconnect can sometimes return with an exception containing a 'write - connection is closed' message. This message does not indicate a fault-tolerant reconnect error and the system has not recorded any context associated with the call that failed. The user can safely retry the call immediately . The call will go through in case the fault-tolerant reconnect is successful and will return with an exception in case it did not (this time being accompanied by the invocation of the exception listener) _______________________________ SNC00041801 Sonic00026217 Memory leak when using synchronous transacted receivers --- A steady memory growth is observed when using synchronous transacted receivers with a reasonably high message rate. This seems to be a problem with the CLR garbage collector. In order to avoid this problem, the user should explicitly invoked GC.Collect() to cause garbage collection runs to be performed more frequently. ================================================================================ Sonic - Sonic Database Service _______________________________ SNC00074991 DBService sample setup script fails --- The samples-setup bat|sh script for the DBService sample fails to run due to a missing custom ant task. Please contact support to obtain an updated sample. _______________________________ SNC00070713 DBService log output does not reflect retries --- When the DBService fails to execute a command, the resulting exception is written to the container log. The service will retry the command once. If the retry succeeds, there is no indication in the log. If the retry fails, the log output does not distinguish the first exception (which lead to a retry) from the second (which lead to a rejected message). _______________________________ SNC00049410 Sonic00030779 Transforms on ESBDB OUT use match clauses relative to the context node --- Parameter/variable mappings for DBService output that use XSLT must use match clauses that are relative to the context node, and not absolute paths beginning with "/". The reason for this is that the initial context node supplied to the XLST mapping is not the document node, but rather a node selected from within the raw XML returned from the DBService (which includes enveloping information). Refer to the GetEmployeeInfo.xsl sample in the Database Service samples for an illustration. _______________________________ SNC00043361 Sonic00027165 iWay Java Connector must be V7.1.3 (or later) --- Customers using Sonic Database Service with the iWay Java Connector must ensure that they are using v7.1.3 (or later) of the iWay product. Releases prior v7.1.3 contain a software defect that prevents the Java Connector from being used as a JDBC driver with the Database Service. The defect can cause an out of memory error in the underlying JVM. _______________________________ SNC00038302 Sonic00023911 CHAR parameters not supported for stored procedures in Oracle databases --- CHAR parameters to stored procedures in Oracle are not supported in this release due to a known problem in the Data Direct driver for Oracle. The workaround is to use VARCHAR instead of CHAR in the formal parameter list of the stored procedure. ================================================================================ Sonic - WorkbenchContainers _______________________________ SNC00074841 ESBContainers are not displayed at first launch after installation. --- Under some circumstances, at the first launch of the Workbench after installation the ESB Containers are not displayed in the Containers view. The workaround for this is to disconnect and reconnect from the domain manager, and then, once reconnected, refresh the container's view. Go to Windows->Preferences and expand Progress->Sonic->Domain Connection. Click on the Disconnect button and then on the Connect button. In the Containers view, click Refresh. _______________________________ SNC00068816 Unable to create containers in WB when container template is created in SMC --- Creating a container template in the SMC causes problems while creating and managing monitored containers in the containers view of the Workbench. The container creation functionality does not break; the container is created properly but cannot be managed in the containers view. As a workaround, you can delete the container template from the SMC. _______________________________ SNC00065283 Sonic00040384 Issue with ESB containers set to auto-start=false when starting MF container --- If you have ESB Containers you are using as managed containers in Workbench, they should not have the (SMC Configured) Auto-start=false when they are added to the MF Container. If you do set it as auto-start=false in the configuration of the activation daemon in SMC, then Workbench will not start these reliably. ================================================================================ Sonic - WorkbenchEditors and Tools _______________________________ SNC00078821 Web Services issue if ESBP's interface has namespace un-qualified types/element --- An ESB Process can not be exposed as a Sonic Connect Web Services if its interface has unqualified types or elements. Trying to do this will result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the Error Log View. _______________________________ SNC00076867 No support for code completion for security elements/types in ProgressXMLEditor --- When you open the config/spring.xml file of a Sonic Connect Project in the Progress XML editor, the editor will not support any code completion for the security related elements/types. As a workaround, you can open config/spring files in WTP XML editor where the code completion is supported. _______________________________ SNC00076865 Validation errors on spring.xml when security related configurations are used --- There are no Spring Namespace Handlers registered for CXF or Sonic Connect security configurations. Due to this, users see validation errors in the Problems view when they configure any security configurations in the config/spring.xml file of Sonic Connect Project. The errors can safely be ignored by the users, it will not affect the runtime behavior. _______________________________ SNC00076824 Issues when workspace/project path contains special characters --- The usage of special characters either in the workspace or project path is not recommended while creating any Sonic Connect Web Services/Clients or RESTful Web Services/Clients. Usage of such characters results in incorrect generation of artifacts. _______________________________ SNC00076815 Resource URL will not be shown in UI when an operation is selected in SC Editor --- Sonic Connect Editor visually presents the properties of all services and operations. When user selects a RESTful operation, the corresponding resource URL does not show up under the properties section. As a workaround, users can view the resource URL(s) by selecting the corresponding Service. _______________________________ SNC00076812 SCI editor scenarios does not support showing fault parameter output --- Scenarios run from SCI editor do not have ability to consume faults and display the same in the output view. As a workaround users can use ESB Process to invoke such operations where they can define mapping for Fault parameters. _______________________________ SNC00076443 Problems with Java Script controls in the CBR Editor --- If you start typing java.lang.System, it throws an error dialog. The code completion fails. You can still continue to type the code and save the cbr file. _______________________________ SNC00076200 Warning message is show in error log when you open CBR frile from Samples --- Warning messages are logged in error log view when you open .cbr files from Sample.ESB\ContentBasedRouter. This is benign and does not affect functionality. _______________________________ SNC00075795 Project name refactoring is not supported for Sonic Connect Project --- The config/defaultSonicConnect.esbsvc in Sonic Connect Project points to the required initial parameters that get created during the process of Upload. The initial parameters need to be updated manually when you rename Sonic Connect Project. _______________________________ SNC00075761 Incompatible class versions of POJOs can cause errors --- Sonic Workbench supports hosting POJOs through Bottom Up Sonic Connect Web Service and Import JAX-RS annotated POJOs options. The compiled version of the classes in the jar should be in compliance with the Workbench supported Java version which is 1.5. If you have POJOs compiled with any incompatible Java version, the POJOs can not be hosted successfully. Try recompiling the POJOs with a 1.5 compiler compliance level to successfully host the POJOs in Sonic Connect. _______________________________ SNC00075640 Expanding services under domain view in Project Explorer throws warning --- Occasionally, expanding the domain node to view Sonic Connect services and respective operations throws a warning that shows up in Error Log view. The error is benign. The contents are visible and the functionality is not affected. _______________________________ SNC00075469 TD SonicConnect WebService fails if service name starts with a digit in WSDL --- Artifact generation in Top down Sonic Connect Web Service fails if a service name starts with a digit in WSDL. _______________________________ SNC00074988 Code Completion in Sonic Interceptor Bean xml --- By default Sonic Workbench opens all xml files in Sonic XML editor. In order to get the code completion working, the xml file should be opened in WTP XML editor. Workaround: Select the xml file, choose Open With -> XML Editor (having the icon as x) to open the file in WTP editor. _______________________________ SNC00074833 Closing Sonic Connect editor when it is in dirty state throws 'SWTException' --- When Sonic Connect editor is in dirty state and you close the editor, the Save Resource dialog box opens. If you select Yes, the contents are saved but an SWT exception is thrown. _______________________________ SNC00074169 Problems with Sonic Connect Web Services when Tomcat Servers are configured --- In circumstances where "Server" is pre-selected, when you launch Web Service/Web Service Client wizards, the wizards will not allow any Sonic Connect Web Services creation. This is because Sonic does not support any servers. And because of the issue in WTP wizard, that it does not let user to deselect Server. This could happen when user has servers configured in Servers view and user chooses the operation from the context menu. Workaround: Use File -> New -> Web Service or File -> New -> Web Service Client _______________________________ SNC00073716 Exception reported from WTP when an ESB Process is selected from Workspace --- In File -> New -> Web Service -> Bottom Up Sonic Connect Web Service wizard, if the ESB Process is picked from any Java-nature enabled projects, then an NPE will be logged by WTP framework in error log view. It does not affect any functionality. _______________________________ SNC00073357 Problems when Resource URL/Template has any special characters --- There is a limited validation provided in the Sonic RESTful Wizards to validate Resource URLs. If the Resource URL contains any special characters, the artifact generation will fail. _______________________________ SNC00073106 Entry of ESB Process name in Service Implementation field is not supported --- In File -> New -> Web Service -> Bottom Up Sonic Connect Web Service the service implementation filed is editable. However, you cannot copy/paste or enter the ESB Process name. Supported functionality is choosing the ESB Process in the browse dialog box. _______________________________ SNC00068874 XSLT Run fails if un-supported jvm is set in system path --- If the system path has a JVM that is not supported (for example, GCJ on Linux), then XSLT Saxon Run will fail with an exception in the output view. To avoid this failure, change the system path to point to a supported JVM. _______________________________ SNC00068727 Workbench (with Eclipse 3.5) restart poses validation errors for ESBP --- Immediately after the Workbench (with Eclipse 3.5) is restarted, the Problems view shows the following validation error for ESBP files: 'Failed to load resource for validation error.' To clear these errors, re-validate the ESBP file by either of these methods: Clean build the whole project(s). or Open the ESBP file and select ESBP > Validate from the menu bar. Reason: DS Connection problems at restart is posing these errors. Once restart is complete, the connection is fully established and re-validating removes these errors. _______________________________ SNC00068110 Workbench crashes when text is typed in type chooser --- In Eclipse 3.5 on Linux, Workbench crashes when text is typed with the tree or table control highlighted, in the Type Chooser dialog, ESB Address Selection Dialog, and other dialogs that have tree or table control. This is an Eclipse issue ( and is observed with all the dialogs having a tree or table control. To avoid this problem, make your selection with the mouse only. _______________________________ SNC00068105 "Delete Launch Configuration" dialog is not shown in Eclipse 3.5 --- In Eclipse 3.2.2, when you delete a project having Launch Configurations, you are prompted with a dialog showing all launch configurations in the project. In Eclipse 3.5, this behavior is changed to delete all the Launch Configurations without prompting you with the Delete Launch Configuration dialog. To avoid deleting the Launch Configurations, uncheck the preference "Delete configurations when associated resource is deleted" in the "Run/Debug->Launching->Launch Configurations" preference page. _______________________________ SNC00068031 Exception logged in Error Log on opening a dialog in BPEL Editor --- An Exception (ConcurrentModificationException) is logged in the "Error Log" view when any dialog (Assign dialog or If Expression editor dialog) is opened from the BPEL Editor. This does not affect the functionality of the dialogs or the Editor in any way. _______________________________ SNC00068013 Run and Debug Shortcut (Ctrl+F11 and F11) behavior in Eclipse 3.5 --- The behavior of the Run Configuration (Ctrl+F11) and Debug Configuration (F11) shortcuts has been changed. These shortcuts now run or debug the configuration of the currently highlighted artifact, instead of the last run configuration. If the artifact has exactly one configuration then it will be run. Otherwise the Launch Configuration dialog will be opened to create or select launch configuration of the artifact. You can reset the shortcuts to have the previous behavior by changing the Launch Operation preference in the Run/Debug->Launching preference page. _______________________________ SNC00067811 BPEL Source Editor line number bar in Eclipse 3.5 --- When used with Eclipse 3.5, the BPEL Source Editor will have an extra Annotation bar between the source editor and the editor area. _______________________________ SNC00067806 ESBP is not uploaded on rename if refactoring is cancelled --- When an ESBP file in the workspace is renamed, a refactoring confirmation dialog opens. When you click 'OK', refactoring happens and the ESBP is uploaded to the domain. But if refactoring is cancelled, the ESBP is not uploaded. In this case, you must manually upload the renamed process to the Domain. _______________________________ SNC00066123 Sonic00040964 Refactoring Undo/Redo does not work for CBR/XCBR files --- Refactoring undo/redo does not work for cbr/xcbr files. It is available only locally in the affected esbp editor. Any refactoring which affects cbr/xcbr cannot be undone. A refactoring which affects an esbp can be undone only if the particular esbp editor is open at the time of refactoring- in this case the user will have to go to the esbp editor and then undo the change (by pressing Ctrl-Z or Edit>Undo) caused by refactoring, this action will not rollback changes caused to cbr/xcbr files as part of the same refactoring. _______________________________ SNC00065997 Sonic00040859 Sonic Workbench editors fail to open files from a closed Workbench project --- Sonic Workbench editors fail to open files from a closed Workbench project. The workaround is to open the closed project. _______________________________ SNC00065944 Sonic00040815 Linux: Issue with editing an ESB Process file when the Outline view minimized --- Sometimes editing an ESBP file while the Outline view is minimized, throws exception. This is specific to the Linux 4.5 platform. The workaround is to restore the Outline view. _______________________________ SNC00065481 Sonic00040506 Refactoring a step name with '&' as a character, makes an ESB process empty --- With the Search feature, you will not get any hits if you search for strings having the XML escape characters - &, >, <, ', " and \. This includes file names having these symbols or file paths having these symbols apart from the step names. Also, step name searches will not be reported from CBR/XCBR files having these symbols in their file paths. Refactoring features: - Step name-based refactoring will not work if the old, new, or both step names have the symbols &, >, <, ', " and \. You will see a warning dialog box in this case. - Move or rename refactoring will not work if the file name or file path has the symbols &, >, <, ', " and \. When Sonic Workbench processes the rename of a folder or project for refactoring and it encounters one file with these symbols, it will not process refactoring for the other files also. _______________________________ SNC00065148 Sonic00040297 Container name changes are not restored while configuring a service instance --- The Configure Service Instance dialog box allows you to select a target container. If you repeat the action, it resets the target container to the default container (dev_ESBTest). _______________________________ SNC00064377 Sonic00039813 Linux: Drag/drop of an ESB process on a BPEL process flow does not respond --- On the Linux platform, dragging and dropping an ESB process on a BPEL process flow does not respond. The workaround is to add an invoke activity for the process. You must do the following to add an invoke activity for ESB Process: 1. Upload the process. 2. Import the WSDL. 3. Drag and drop the operation from the Operations view onto the process flow. _______________________________ SNC00064229 Sonic00039725 The Create Schema option in the ESB Message editor does not work --- The Create Schema option to help with creating a schema from XML content for the part's body content provided in the Edit text area of the ESB Message editor is not functional. _______________________________ SNC00064215 Sonic00039716 Exception thrown opening an ESBP file with extension in uppercase characters --- The ESBP process file must have the extension .esbp (in lower case) to open in the ESB Process editor. If you use .ESBP, it will not open. The workaround is to rename the file with the lower case extension. _______________________________ SNC00063864 Sonic00039514 On Linux 5.0, steps are not displayed in the ESB Process editor Process page --- On the Linux5.0 platform, the image display is corrupting the graphics when anti-aliasing is on. If anti-aliasing is on. steps are not displayed in the ESB Process editor Process page. You must set the system property,, to true before launching Eclipse to turn off anti-aliasing. You can append this value in the eclipse.ini file (under the Eclipse installation) as = true. _______________________________ SNC00063833 Sonic00039498 Exception is thrown when a step name contains special characters --- An org.eclipse.swt.SWTException exception is thrown when a step name contains special characters, for example ( ) or &. Setting a breakpoint in a step containing special characters in the step name can cause unexpected behavior in the editor. The workaround is to remove the special characters from the step name. _______________________________ SNC00063775 Sonic00039468 Linux: WSDL file shown in the dirty state, when opened from the Navigator view --- On Linux systems, when you create a wrapper process, all the necessary artifacts are created in the selected project. However when you open the WSDL (by double-clicking from the Navigator view), the WSDL file opens in the WSDL editor in the dirty state. Simply save the file to remove the dirty flag. _______________________________ SNC00060372 Sonic00037427 Use UTF-8 encoded request messages --- A request message encoded using UTF-16 might fail to run. The workaround is to use UTF-8 encoding. _______________________________ SNC00060078 Sonic00037247 XSD Imports - namespaces/complextypes --- Sonic Workbench does not support relative schema locations in schema imports or XML documents. The workaround is to use a SonicFS URL instead of relative paths. _______________________________ SNC00059520 Sonic00036933 ESB JUnit XCBRScenario fails with unsupported artifact Type --- You cannot use Sonic ESB's JUnit to test XCBR files. _______________________________ SNC00059479 Sonic00036916 ESB Process editor causes Eclipse to log an exception for part init --- The eclipse log will often contain the following line. This is expected and is not a cause for alarm: org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException: Warning: Detected recursive attempt by part to create itself. (This is probably, but not necessarily, a bug.) _______________________________ SNC00059189 Sonic00036711 BPEL Deployment Descriptor editor might not refresh properly --- There can be some refresh/caching issues with the Deployment Descriptor editor. If the Service and Port drop down lists are not populated in the Partner Deployment Attributes page, close the file and re-open it. _______________________________ SNC00059083 Sonic00036632 Adding a URL import to a BPEL process does not populate the type and namespace --- For the "import" node in the Properties view, when a URL is added in location, and the namespace and importType properties are not populated, you must provide the namespace and importType details in their respective fields. On providing the project's relative location, those details are populated from the file. _______________________________ SNC00059029 Sonic00036600 BPEL: Issue when adding a partner endpoint in the Partner Endpoints page --- When adding a partner endpoint in the Partner Endpoints page in a scenario in the BPEL Deployment Descriptor editor on the "Partner Endpoints" page, and you then add the corresponding WSDL in the "Process Attributes" page, the "Service and Port" details are not updated properly in the source page. You must explicitly change the selection in "Service and Port" combos details section to update the source properly. _______________________________ SNC00057858 Sonic00035900 Linux: Updated value is not saved properly in the XPath Routing Rules editor --- The updated "Part at Index" value is not saved properly in the XPath Routing Rules editor. Linux SWT spinners have a bug in the SWT library that causes values typed in the text box to not be accepted. Instead, only values changed by using the Up/Down arrow buttons are recognized. To work around this, type in a value and then press Up and Down once to register the change. _______________________________ SNC00057652 Sonic00035789 Linux: Save does not clear flag when file system is remote on unsynched clock --- The Sonic editors match modification and save timestamps to determine whether an editor's file is dirty or not. This apparently breaks when the file resides in a mounted directory, under the following condition. The last-save time from the file is based on the clock of the file's native machine. The last modification time is based on the clock of the machine in which the JVM is running. If, on save, the editors show a * , check whether the affected file resides on a mounted directory. If yes, check the time on the machine on which that directory actually resides. Synchronize both clocks to the same time server. When the clocks are in synch, this problem should not arise. _______________________________ SNC00057266 Sonic00035550 The JUnit SwingUIRunner causes an exception to be thrown --- When using the JUnit feature of Sonic Workbench, the JUnit SwingUIRunner causes an exception to be thrown. Only the TextRunner is supported. _______________________________ SNC00057229 Sonic00035529 WSDL Overview page does not render and seems blank --- Sometimes the WSDL editor's Overview page does not render its UI. The workaround is to resize the Types, Imports, and Messages sections using the splitter in the middle. _______________________________ SNC00055889 Sonic00034713 Stepping into an ESB process from BPEL, sometimes does not regain control --- When stepping into an ESB process from BPEL, control sometimes does not come back to the BPEL. _______________________________ SNC00055754 Sonic00034632 Restarting the BPEL container can take less time than indicated --- When you upload a BPEL project, the upload action can complete sooner than the BPEL service is available to receive messages. If you run a scenario before the BPEL service is active, the run appears to hang. After uploading, check the Containers view. _______________________________ SNC00053564 Sonic00033235 Miscellaneous layout and text issues for XPath routing Rules editor --- To view the namespaces section on the XPath routing Rule editor, it is necessary to scroll the panel down to view and edit this section. _______________________________ SNC00053212 Sonic00033029 Linux: "Text function" button is not displayed in the XPath Helper window. --- The Text function" button is not displayed in the XPath Helper window. The workaround is to type the text() in the XPath text area. The issue is specific to AS4.5 and AS5.0. _______________________________ SNC00052987 Sonic00032909 OutOfMemoryError when attempting to open very large files --- If you get an OutOfMemoryError while trying to open very large files in Sonic Workbench, do the following: 1. Close Sonic Workbench and go to the <Sonic Install>/Workbenchn.n/eclipse folder. 2. Edit the SonicLauncher.ini file and increase the -Xmx256m value to a larger value, for example, -Xmx512m (assuming that much system memory is available). _______________________________ SNC00051685 Sonic00032109 Memory leak leads to eventual Sonic Workbench crash --- Leaving Sonic Workbench active for extended periods of time (multiple days) and making repeated runs or debugs can lead to an OutOfMemory exception, and having Sonic Workbench hang or crash. This can be mitigated by making sure you terminate unused run/debug sessions, but exiting Sonic Workbench at least once a day is recommended. _______________________________ SNC00051662 Sonic00032094 Cannot view the domain manager log from the Containers view --- If you launch the Domain Manager before starting Sonic Workbench, you cannot use the Containers view to view the domain manager's log. Sonic recommends starting the domain manager first. To view the log, simply view the command window where the Domain Manager is started. _______________________________ SNC00049225 Sonic00030669 Only files in sonicfs:///workspace can be run or debugged --- You must import the files into your project in order to run or debug them. _______________________________ SNC00045975 Sonic00028721 ClassCastException in ESB Process editor on some files outside the workspace --- ClassCastException in ESB Process editor when opening certain files outside the workspace. Workbench cannot edit ESBP, BPEL, XAction, and other files that are not imported into the project. ================================================================================ Sonic - WorkbenchGeneral _______________________________ SNC00072080 Removed ESB Process Templates --- The Workbench pallete for ESB Processes no longer contains SendToJMS or CompositeWebServices. These are replaced in the product by new functionality in the Sonic Dispatch service and the Sonic Connect Web Service stack. If you want to use a process template for either of these, they can be added by exporting the template from 7.6.2 and importing into 8.0. _______________________________ SNC00064729 Sonic00040026 Crash on existing Eclipse after importing and uploading samples --- In the case of Sonic Workbench installed with an existing Eclipse, you must add following parameter in the eclipse.ini file: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M ================================================================================ Sonic - WorkbenchSamples _______________________________ SNC00051771 Sonic00032161 Database Operation editor forces changes to the DBService sample ESBDB files --- When you open an ESBDB file in the Database Operation editor while using the Database Service samples, the editor might automatically update the ESBDB file, and mark it as modified. If this happens, when you attempt to run a scenario associated with the ESBDB file, the editor will require that the changes be saved before the scenario can be run, and will display a popup to confirm that you want the changes to be saved. In this case, just click the "Confirm Save" button, and the scenario will run. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Resource Adapter for JCA _______________________________ SNC00043093 Sonic00027005 Setting the maxSessions activation configuration property --- In a message driven bean, setting the maxSessions activation configuration property too high can cause SonicMQ to drop connections and refuse to reconnect for the bean instance. If this situation occurs try reducing the maxSessions value or reverting to the default value. ================================================================================ Sonic - Launcher Installer _______________________________ SNC00075622 Blank Screen coming up for AIX and HP-UX on some install panels --- This is a known issue with InstallAnywhere InstallAnywhere 2009 Service Pack 1 Release Notes -- 10 cType=kc&externalId=Installation-InstallAnywhere-InstallAnywhere2009-01Public-P roductInfo-rnia2009sp1pdf&sliceId=pdfPage_10&docTypeID=DT_PRODUCTINFO_1_1&dialo gID=80327867&stateId=0%200%2080329468 Installation panels is the same as the background color, making the text invisible. IOC-000079974 When running an InstallAnywhere installation with a 64 bit JVM on HP-UX ================================================================================ Sonic - Sonic Deployment Manager _______________________________ SNC00068402 LocalManagementBroker can now be in a parent Segment of the referenced Broker --- In previous releases, the LocalManagementBroker and the associated Broker tag were required to be at the same Segment level, and a local manegement broker was required to be in a segment and not at the top level in the model. As of this release, the LocalManagementBroker and the associated Broker tag are required to be at the same or an ancestor Segment level, and a local management broker is required to be in a segment and not at top level in the model. _______________________________ SNC00061924 Sonic00038328 Benign error about tools.jar when Ant scripts run under standalone JRE --- When java_home is defined to reference a JRE that is not part of a Java SDK, running an Ant script displays that it cannot locate tools.jar. As the SDM's use of Ant does not require the JDK, the error is benign. _______________________________ SNC00061711 Sonic00038205 SDM Tuning.xsd contains several Annotation elements that are not functional --- Some tuning elements define Annotations in the Tuning.xsd schema, but the SonicMQ annotation function does not apply defined annotation text as expected. Avoid defining annotations in an SDM model for the following elements: BrokerParameters/Storage/RecoveryLog BrokerParameters/Security/Ssl BrokerParameters/Tuning/Queue BrokerParameters/Tuning/Topic BrokerParameters/Tuning/Buffer BrokerParameters/Tuning/Transactions BrokerParameters/Tuning/Connection BrokerParameters/Tuning/Metrics BrokerParameters/DuplicateDetection BrokerParameters/WebServiceSecurity QueueParameters _______________________________ SNC00061706 Sonic00038202 SDM Tuning.xsd contains several Annotation elements that are not functional --- SDM does not support Annotations for Authentication Domains and Security Policies elements. Such annotations have to be added manually to a configuration via the SMC or a Java application. _______________________________ SNC00061378 Sonic00038011 Windows Services: The Local System account is used by the services --- When installing containers as windows services, they are set up to use the Local System account, and do not have access to Windows network resources, such as file shares. Be sure that all resources required to run the container (the JVM, cache directory, working directory, etc.) are located on the local machine or, alternately, modify the account that runs the service to allow access to all the required resources. _______________________________ SNC00061352 Sonic00037997 Extraction does not get all annotations --- Extraction from a domain does not extract all existing annotations from the Directory Service. _______________________________ SNC00061281 Sonic00037948 HP-UX 11.23: NullPointerException messages in console output --- On HP-UX 11.23 platforms only, NullPointerException messages that display in the console window output (during execution of the apply.config task) are benign. These exceptions seem to be benign, as the processing completes successfully. _______________________________ SNC00059291 Sonic00036778 Deletes.xml file cannot specify a management container for deletion --- The SDM provides no way to specify within the Deletes.xml file that a management container should be deleted. _______________________________ SNC00058518 Sonic00036292 Models extracted from a domain include all tuning parameters --- Domain-to-Model outputs all tuning parameters, even if they are default values. Thus all properties stored in the Directory Service for a given domain configuration are written out to the model as a result of using the Domain-to-Model feature, as opposed to just those whose values differ from the default values. _______________________________ SNC00058498 Sonic00036281 SDM does not support SSL Acceptors for management connections --- SDM does not support the use of SSL Acceptors for management connections; only TCP Acceptors are supported for management connections. _______________________________ SNC00058340 Sonic00036195 No Support for protocols other than Web Service protocols for Acceptor --- Web Service protocols are supported within the Acceptor of a Broker element. For example: Test WebService Protocol ... /abc However, this support is not provided for the other types of protocols. _______________________________ SNC00058306 Sonic00036177 Unknown component types are not supported --- Component types that are not supported by the Management API (such as a netmon component) are also not supported by the SDM. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Actional Integration _______________________________ SNC00065908 Sonic00040797 Message flow through an unmanaged container is incorrectly displayed --- When ESB Actional instrumentation is enabled with the setting to display unmanaged JMS nodes domain-wide enabled, and with MQ Actional instrumentation disabled, then there is an issue with the flow map for a message travelling from a managed container to an unmanaged container and back. Instead of seeing two disconnected flows, you will see one flow. The message flow coming back into the managed node has the incorrect source JMS destination. _______________________________ SNC00065517 Sonic00040526 No payload reported for calls between containers during ESB process execution --- The ESB Actional interceptor, with payload capture enabled in the ESB container, supports payload capture only if the first part of the message is of content type text/xml. In the case of a distributed ESB process execution, the inter-container traffic is always a multipart message containing the process metadata along with the actual payload. The first part of this message contains the ESB process properties and this is not of type text/xml. Therefore the ESB Actional interceptor does not report the payload information for such messages. _______________________________ SNC00053115 Sonic00032973 Exception at container shutdown if messages are also processed by Actional ESB --- In rare situations, an unexpected "IllegalStateException" might occur at container shutdown if messages are simultaneously processed by the Actional interceptor. The exception might be thrown by the JVM if Actional happens to be processing the first message in a flow at the same time a shutdown request is submitted. This behavior has only been observed on Solaris with the 1.5 JVM. No adverse side effects are known. Restart of the container proceeds properly. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Containers _______________________________ SNC00068875 Intermittent NullPointerException shutting down container --- During container shutdown a NullPointerException may be thrown: *java.lang.NullPointerException* * at com.sonicsw.xq.connector.jms.JMSEndpoint$EndpointConnection.onException(JMSEndp* This exception is benign and can be ignored. _______________________________ SNC00050643 Sonic00031520 ESB class loader does not pick up new classes when container restarts --- When JAR files are deleted and re-added in SonicFS, the ESB class loader does not pick up the new classes when the container is restarted. If you import and replace functions instead, the classes are picked up correctly. _______________________________ SNC00027010 Sonic00016798 The ESB Configured Objects fail to rebind to ESB Container changes --- The ESB Configured Objects section of the SMC gives a "Failed to rebind" error when running if you modify an ESB container after deploying it into a management Container. Choosing the Refresh command updates the bindings. _______________________________ SNC00012354 Sonic00006251 If a container shutdown hangs, force a hard shutdown --- Under some circumstances, an exception or a blocked message listener can prevent a clean shutdown of a container. If the container does not shut down gracefully within ten minutes after a shutdown request, you should force a hard shutdown. Use kill -9 (on UNIX) or Task Manager (on Windows) to force a hard shutdown of the container. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Content-based Routing and Transformation _______________________________ SNC00059818 Sonic00037105 cloneHeaders attribute in XSLT message extensions is now handled correctly --- In ESB 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, and 7.5, the cloneHeaders attribute on the Transform service message extension was handled incorrectly, with the result that headers on the incoming message were copied to the new message if cloneHeaders was false, and not if it was true. This has been fixed in the current release. _______________________________ SNC00053638 Sonic00033277 Message sent to destination once when same destination is specified in rules --- When defining the XCBR destination, be sure to define unique target addresses. If the same address is selected and "Route to all the rules which evaluate to true" is selected, only a single copy of the message is sent to the address. _______________________________ SNC00047000 Sonic00029339 Saxon problem with array variables --- Using xsl:for-each over a variable that contains more than one node might result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. For example: <xsl:variable name="foo" select="/a/b/c"/> <xsl:for-each select="$foo"> ... </xsl:for-each> The workaround is to use the following idiom, instead: <xsl:for-each select="/a/b/c">..</xsl-for-each> _______________________________ SNC00042047 Sonic00026392 Changes necessary to ESB JavaScripts to account for the upgrade to Saxon 8 --- Old JavaScripts freely intermixed the use of the org.w3c.dom.Node and Saxon NodeInfo interfaces, which worked because with Saxon 6, the objects returned from an XPath implemented both interfaces. With Saxon 8, however, Sonic only supports the Node interface, so the use of NodeInfo methods results in a Javascript error like this: com.sonicsw.xq.XQServiceException: (Desired evaluation could not be performed: JavaScript Error: Internal Error: TypeError: getCount is not a function.) The JavaScripts have been updated, as follows: The sample javascript, SCHelperFunctions.js: getURI -> getNamespaceURI Also: NodeInfo.getDisplayName() -> Node.getNodeName() NodeInfo.getStringValue() -> Node.getValue() This only works when then the node is an attribute node or text node. Element nodes have to search the list of child nodes and then call Node.getValue()on the first text child node. _______________________________ SNC00041307 Sonic00025907 Upgrade to the Saxon XSLT processor --- Sonic ESB includes an upgrade to the Saxon XSLT processor that is at the core of the Transformation Service. 1. <xsl:script> has been dropped from the XSLT specifications, and is no longer supported by the Transformation service. Instead, use <saxon:script>, which takes exactly the same attributes as before. 2. Output elements, particularly if they are created with the message extension, may be emitted with a "xmlns:saxon" namespace, even if they are not technically needed. If this is the case, they may be dropped by adding the attribute 'excludes-result-prefixes="saxon"' to the <xsl:stylesheet> element. 3. Previous versions of ESB erroneously used the lower case "utf-8" in the xml declaration. Now, "UTF-8" is properly emitted. Normally, this shouldn't be a concern, but it came up in QA because the tests do exact-case string compares to verify the returned result. 4. Custom JavaScript files that use Saxon 6.x classes will stop working. Saxon 6.x used package com.icl.saxon.XXX, while Saxon 8.x uses package net.sf.saxon _______________________________ SNC00013966 Sonic00007350 XPath Accessor does not validate the incoming document --- For performance reasons the XPath accessor does not perform validation on the incoming document. There is no way in the current implementation to turn on this behavior. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB DataXtend Semantic Integrator _______________________________ SNC00066150 Sonic00040985 Issue with DXSI compatibility --- Customers using DataXtend Semantic Integrator with Sonic 8.0 or higher must use release 8.3.1 or higher. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Editors and Tools _______________________________ SNC00076227 Tracking messages may be shown incorrectly in the ESB Process Tracking view --- When an ESB process has a subprocess step followed by an Exit step, the Exit step tracking message are shown in the ESB Process Tracking view as being associated with the subprocess rather than the main process. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Endpoints _______________________________ SNC00070706 Unregistering then re-registering a transient endpoint can fail --- If you attempt to unregister, then re-register a transient endpoint within a service method that is dispatching a message from the same endpoint, you will receive a JMS IllegalStateException. The recommended way to turn on and off endpoint registration is to establish an independent control endpoint, to which registration commands are sent. The control endpoint commands may be handlied by a separate ESB Service, or, within a single ESB Service (in which case, the control endpoint may itself be established as a transient endpoint.) _______________________________ SNC00041287 Sonic00025898 SonicESB pools temporary queues for responses to the --- To make performant, SonicESB now pools temporary queues for responses to the Before the latest versions of SonicESB, the situation where multiple responses occurring as a result of have resulted in the additional messages being dropped (likely resulting in an exception on the replying application). With this pooling capability, these additional messages are now stored on the pooled temporary queue. This could result in additional calls to retrieving those additional responses as its own responses. However, if you find that this is necessary, setting the java system property -DSonicESB.RefreshDestinationsOnCall=true, on the ESB container, will result in temporary queues being regenerated on every call. This causes Sonic ESB to behave the same as it did before temporary queues were pooled. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB ESB Processes and Services _______________________________ SNC00078978 Process Continuations not supported for Fault Handler processes --- In this release, the new process continuation feature does not support FaultHandler processes. Even though a user can passivate and activate a FaultHandler process, the information related to the original process (for which the fault handler was defined) is lost and thus operations like Resubmit and continue will not function correctly. _______________________________ SNC00078507 WS-RM disabled by default --- By default, support for WS-RM (WS Reliable Messaging) is disabled in ESB. If you use WS-RM then you should configure the Process Engine appropriately such that the WS-RM related processing is performed for all the steps in your ESB processses. Follow these steps: 1. The process engine configuration file can be found in a workbench install in one of two places: a) In the DS at /System/SonicESB/8.0/ItineraryEngineConfig-default.xml b) On the disk under <SonicESBInstall>/config_ds/dev/xars/core/SonicFS/System/SonicESB/ItineraryEngi neConfig-default.xml 2. You have a choice of enabling WS-RM on all the containers in which case you should copy the process engine configuration file in the DS as: /System/SonicESB/8.0/ItineraryEngineConfig.xml (We dropped the -default prefix to the name). This will result in a global configuration override that will cause all the containers in the domain to get bootstrapped with this configuration. 3. If you choose to enable WS-RM in specific containers where the WS-RM aware processes gets executed, then you can configure the MF container with the following -D parameter. com.sonicsw.esb.process.config and set it to System/SonicESB/8.0/ItineraryEngineConfig.xml or any other location in the DS. 4. The containers that are already executing should be restarted for this configuration setting to take effect. _______________________________ SNC00076679 Additional configuration required for WMQ JMS Sender and Listener services. --- When deploying a WMQ JMS Sender or WMQ JMS Listener service it is necessary to add additional classpath entries to the ESB container classpath. The container classpath can be configured from the Sonic ESB Container properties in either the Workbench (Containers view) or the Sonic Managament Console (Configure tab). The following entries are required: sonicfs:///System/SonicESB/services/esb_wmq/8.0/commons-pool-1.4.jar sonicfs:///System/SonicESB/services/esb_wmq/8.0/commons-collections-3.2.jar sonicfs:///System/SonicESB/services/esb_wmq/8.0/quartz-1.6.6.jar If these jars are not added the WMQ services will fail to start with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. _______________________________ SNC00074525 Empty syntax not applicable to esbmsg part expressions in message mapping rules --- For the case where the message mapping source rule contains a rule for retrieving a message part content using the index or content ID; if the part is missing then ESB throws an exception while executing the mapping rule. Thus, you cannot get the expected behavior from the use of the 'empty' syntax in your source expressions. _______________________________ SNC00070956 The service "Split Join For Each" intermittently throws XQDispatchException --- The service "Split Join For Each" intermittently throws XQDispatchException when the hosting ESB container stops. _______________________________ SNC00070782 New variant of sonic:/// URI that uses ESB configuration lookups --- Users can configure sonic:/// URI to enable ESB configuration lookups for the address defined in the URI. The URI format to enable the ESB configuration lookup is: sonic:///local?Type=ArtifactName where <Type> is either: endpoint, service or process <ArtifactName> is the name of the service, process, endpoint. The service or process referenced here should be configured with an entry endpoint. With the new variant the process, service or endpoint configurations are looked up as ESB configurations and are thus subjected to the caching mechanism available for ESB configurations. Thus subsequent invocations will function properly even if DS connectivity is lost. The existing behavior of the sonic:/// URI is preserved; there are no backward compatibility issues. _______________________________ SNC00066124 Sonic00040965 A failure sending to the RME may cause a rejected message to be redelivered. --- If an error occurs when ESB tries to send a rejected message to the RME, and the QoS is 'Exactly Once', the JMS transaction will be rolled back and the offending message may be redelivered. A service can detect such a scenario using JMSXDeliveryCount to avoid continually trying to reject the same message. One option in such cases is to shutdown the container using the ESB lifecycle API. _______________________________ SNC00059738 Sonic00037064 Split and Join ForEach service should support content ID for XPath split part --- In ESB 7.6, the Split Part parameter for the Split and Join ForEach service, used to select the message part in the incoming message that will be split using the XPath expression, can now be a content ID as well as a part index. The value of the Split Part parameter will first be used to find a message part with that content ID, and if there is none, the value will be used as a part index. _______________________________ SNC00057610 Sonic00035767 The Split and Join services should override the branch fault and RME addresses --- If a Split or Join service is used in a process, the fault address, RME address, TTL, and QoS in force in the process context of the Split and Join service is used instead of those configured for the branch service or process. The exception is that if the fault address or RME address in the process context is set to REPLY_TO, as it is during a run/debug scenario, the fault address or RME address of the branch is not overridden. The tracking level, tracking ID, and event endpoint of the branch are not overridden. Note that applications should not configure branch services or processes that are used with the Split or Join service to use REPLY_TO as the fault or RME address, because this can interfere with the operation of the Split or Join service. _______________________________ SNC00053135 Sonic00032988 ESB Split and Join services do not have Fault output when branch times out --- Timeouts on the Split and Join services (ForEach and Parallel) are not supported when intra-container messaging is enabled and the target services reside in the same container. To allow timeouts to work properly, either deploy the Split and Join services in their own container, or turn off intra-container messaging. _______________________________ SNC00043333 Sonic00027148 Issue with a service that uses the ESB Asynchronous Dispatch mechanism --- The FilePollingService sample as well as any other service that uses the ESB Asynchronous Dispatch mechanism, might throw the following exception after an ESB container reload: "com.sonicsw.xq.XQDispatchException: Unable to perform asynchronous dispatch. Dispatcher is in stopped state!" This occurs primarily due to timing issues between ESB framework thread(s) and the service's asynchronous dispatch threads. If the ESB framework has not completely initialized all its components, including the services during a reload, before a service's asynchronous dispatch threads start executing, this exception is seen. The way to work around this issue is to "restart" the ESB container as opposed to "reloading" it. Restart affords more time to the ESB framework to complete the initialization phase than reload and should avoid the timing issue seen with reload. _______________________________ SNC00039928 Sonic00025022 Using Sonic ESB over DRA can affect performance --- In multi-node domains, Sonic ESB now uses SonicMQ's DRA feature to send to remote, node-qualified destinations. This allows the ESB framework to make fewer direct connections to remote nodes by re-using the bus connection (XQContainer JMS connection) and DRA routes to send to remote nodes. Potentially, this reuse of the bus connection might cause performance to change (negatively), in the case of sending to node-qualified destinations. Additionally, the bus connection broker should have DRA routes defined to each of the remote nodes that can be sent to or the sent messages will go to its Dead Message Queue. _______________________________ SNC00039455 Sonic00024713 MultiPart Message emitted from process is not unwrapped by ESB --- You might expect that in an ESB process, the input message format matches the output message format. For example, if the input message is a SonicMQ XMLMessage or TextMessage, and the output message contains only a single part, then it should also be a SonicMQ XMLMessage or TextMessage. However, in cases where services in the ESB process: 1. Do not utilize the input message or a clone of the input message for generating an output message. 2. Choose to create new XQMessages and place them on the outbox. 3. Subsequent steps are in a different container or within the same container with intra-container off. Then the output message will always be a SonicMQ Multipart message with one or more parts. There is a workaround to generate a SonicMQ/JMS single part message (XMLMessage, TextMessage etc.) from a MultipartMessage with ONE part and no custom part headers. This workaround involves adding another step to the process after the service that creates the new messages. This new step must add a boolean XQMessage header to the newly created messages by the aforementioned service. The header is called JMS_SonicMQ_XQ.isMultipart. Set this header value to false. If the message is a multipart message or a single part message with custom part headers, then this header is ignored. In all other cases, if this header is set to false, then depending on the content type of the first (and only) part, a TextMessage/XMLMessage/BytesMessage is created while dispatching the message over JMS. _______________________________ SNC00032631 Sonic00020257 File encoding issues --- The encoding used in Sonic ESB and the storage format in the Directory Service are dictated by the following two variables. The same encoding should be used in all containers that are constituents of the same process. -Dfile.encoding=<desired encoding> -Dcom.sonicsw.xq.admin.binaryexts=<comma-separated file extensions that should be stored as binary> For example: -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Dcom.sonicsw.xq.admin.binaryexts=bpv,xml,xsl ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall _______________________________ SNC00065975 Sonic00040844 File service changes to consider when upgrading from ESB 7.5 --- Enhancements to the File Pickup, File Drop, and File Splitter services in ESB 7.6 resulted in changes to the package implementing these services from com.sonicsw.xq.* to com.sonicsw.esb.*. When upgrading from ESB 7.5 (or earlier) management containers that host 7.5 ESB containers with file services will experience ClassNotFound exceptions on restart. It is recommended that you promptly upgrade all management containers that host file services to 8.0 (which will update their ESB containers and references to archive files.) If you must upgrade the domain yet perpetuate 7.5 file services, contact technical support for tactics that will enable the 7.5 file services to function properly in an 8.0 domain. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Management Tools _______________________________ SNC00068891 Sonic ESB Explorer is not supported on Linux platforms with IBM 1.5 JRE --- Sonic ESB Explorer is not supported on the following Linux platforms with IBM 1.5 JRE: * Red Hat 5 Update 2 * SuSe 10 SP 2 _______________________________ SNC00065892 Sonic00040787 Cannot use ESB Configured Objects after install to Linux dir name with spaces --- On Linux/UNIX, the Sonic Management Console does not properly load the ESB configured objects when installed to a directory containing spaces. The workaround is to modify MQn.n/bin/ to properly quote the path when setting the XQ_HOME variable. For example: set XQ_HOME="/usr1/theuser/sonic install/ESBn.n" ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Messaging Broker _______________________________ SNC00066536 Sonic00041272 Change in how connection ids are created for ESB connections --- ESB now generates ids for its connections rather than allowing the broker to generate temporary ids. ESB connection ids now take the form: SonicESB/esb/<domain>/<mfcontainer>/<mfcomponent>/<esbconnection> If necessary, the previous behavior can be reinstated by adding the following Java System Property to the MF Container's environment: Variable: com.sonicsw.xq.connection.disable_connectids Value: true This change avoids scenarios where EUserAlreadyConnected exceptions were thrown while attempting to reestablish a dropped connection. Note that while ESB attempts to reestablish a dropped connection, the broker may ping the previous connection to check whether it is still active. This ping may in some cases block indefinetely. It is recommended that the CONNECTION_TUNING_PARAMETERS.CONNECT_PING_TIMEOUT on the broker be set to a reasonable value (30000ms or 60000ms) to avoid such cases. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Samples _______________________________ SNC00076795 ESBToWS samples fails as a result of a hard-coded property --- In the ESBToWS sample, running the scenarios associated with the GetPatientInvoker process and the GetPatientsInvoker process returns a fault message. This is the result of a hard-code path to a WSDL file. To fix this issue following file needs to be modified: <install_dir>/ESB8.0/samples/Sample.SonicConnect/ESBToWSProject/ESBToWS/.servic es/invoke/patientservice/ Modify the PatientService.PatientSOAPPort.wsdlURL property to be: PatientService.PatientSOAPPort.wsdlURL=classpath:resources/wsdl/patient.wsdl _______________________________ SNC00066095 Sonic00040936 The ESB Sample.ConfigAPI throws exceptions in Linux --- To resolve the issue, add xmlParserAPIs.jar and xercesImpl.jar to the Bootclasspath of the launch configuration. These files are located in the directory <install>\MQn.n\lib. _______________________________ SNC00057886 Sonic00035918 Behavior of File Pickup and File Splitter services in a process --- The behavior of messages sent by the File Pickup and File Splitter services depends on the destination selected. If a File Pickup or File Splitter service is invoked as part of an ESB process, messages sent to the service's Exit endpoint remain in the process. Messages that are sent using asynchronous dispatch leave the process. For both status messages and data messages: if the Exit endpoint is selected (by explicitly specifying a destination of type EXIT, or if no destinations are specified) the message is sent by adding it to the outbox. All messages for destinations other than the Exit endpoint are sent using asynchronous dispatch. When messages are generated as a result of polling rather than as a result of a request message all messages are sent using asynchronous dispatch, regardless of destination. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicESB Web Services _______________________________ SNC00078910 8.0.1 Sonic Connect Web Service requires doc-lit style msg part to be element --- Adherence to Web Services Interoperability Basic Profile 1.0 (WS-I BP) requires that a document/literal (doc-lit) style WSDL message part must be an element, and cannot be a type. The Sonic 8.0.1 runtime is more strict about that requirement than 8.0.0. However, the 8.0.1 Workbench might generate a WSDL that fails to comply with that requirement when the ESBP interface contains a message part that is a type. Also, existing WSDLs generated by the Bottom Up Web Service in 8.0.0 will encounter the issue when they run in 8.0.1 Sonic Connect service runtime containers. To work around the problem, edit the WSDL after it has been generated: 1) Open the WSDL by clicking the link in "WSDL URL" in Sonic Connect Editor. 2) Look for all occurrences of 'style="document"' and replace each with 'style="rpc"'. 3) Save the changed file. 4) Apply "Upload all" to the Sonic Connect project so that the CSAR archive gets rebuilt. 5) Restart the test container. 6) For deployment, export the CSAR and then import it into the target domain. _______________________________ SNC00078898 NPE when invoking a JAX-WS POJO from ESB with multiple methods --- It is a known issue that generated spring.xml for a JAX-WS POJO must be modified in order to run in an 8.0.1 Sonic Connect runtime environment. Modifying spring.xml resolves the issue: 1. In the Sonic Connect Editor, click "Spring Configuration" to open spring.xml. 2. Locate the Camel route in the CamelContext for each operation. These will look like this: (from uri="directsonicesb..." to uri="cxfbean...") 3. Set the "operationName" header by adding a "setHeader" element between <from> and <to>. 4. Save the edited spring.xml. 5. Shutdown the container. 6. Perform "Upload all" to rebuild the CSAR archive file. 7. Relaunch the container. ----- For example, the following snippet sets "getPatient" as the "operationName" header. <camel:camelContext id="camel"> ... <camel:route> <camel:from uri="directsonicesb:PatientService.PatientSOAPPort.getPatient?headerFilterStrat egy=#Direct.HeaderStrategy.PatientService.PatientSOAPPort.getPatient&bindin gStrategy=#Direct.BindingStrategy.PatientService.PatientSOAPPort.getPatient"/> <!-- set header begins --> <camel:setHeader headerName="operationName"> <camel:constant>getPatient</camel:constant> </camel:setHeader> <!-- set header ends --> <camel:to uri="cxf:bean:org.example.patientservice.PatientImplserviceEndpoint?dataFormat= PAYLOAD"/> </camel:route> ... </camel:camelContext> _______________________________ SNC00076047 JAXRS ResponseBuilder might return incorrect HTTP "Location" headers --- ESB hosted JAXRS POJOs that call the method location( location) with a relative URI will return an inaccurate HTTP Response "Location" header. The relative URI will be converted to an absolute URI that begins with the baseURI prefix "camel:". To workaround this issue, only use absolute URIs in this method. You can use the following steps to inject the POJO with baseURI information: 1. modify the from("cxfjetty..." route to provision a header with the original base URL. For example, <route> <from uri="cxfjetty:http://localhost:9000?matchOnUriPrefix=true"/> <setHeader headerName="locationBase"><constant>http://localhost:9000</constant></setHeader > <to uri="cxfbean:PatientsPOJO"/> </route> 2. On your POJO code apply the location: public Response xyz(@Context HttpHeaders hdrs, @Context UriInfo uri, PatientImpl patient) { try { .. ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(); String locationBase = ""; List<String> sList = hdrs.getRequestHeader("locationBase"); if (sList != null && sList.size() > 0) { locationBase = sList.get(0); } rb.location(new URI(locationBase + "/patients/" + patient.getPid())); etc _______________________________ SNC00075989 Sonic Connect service name cannot contain space and other special characters --- The Sonic Connect service name does not allow spaces and special characters. A valid Sonic Connect service name can contain alphanumeric characters, '.' and '_'. The Sonic Connect Service checks the service name during initialization and fails to initialize if the name does not meet these criteria. _______________________________ SNC00074839 Sonic Connect cannot handle multiple responses from exposed process --- For the expose use case, Sonic Connect only handles the first response message from the exposed process. So if the execution of the exposed ESB process results in multiple messages getting addressed to the exit/fault/RME destinations then only the first message gets processed by Sonic Connect. The remaining messages get ignored. _______________________________ SNC00074203 Output param mapping fails for direct invocation of ESBP from a Connect step --- When an ESB process is directly invoked from a Sonic Connect step, the output parameters are not populated correctly by Sonic Connect. Thus an attempt to perform response mapping with output parameters for such a Sonic Connect Invoke step will result in the framework throwing an exception and the incoming message getting rejected. _______________________________ SNC00074102 Deploying multiple Sonic Connect Services in the same ESB container --- If multiple Sonic Connect services are deployed in the same ESB container, ensure that these services are configured with different values for the staging directory. _______________________________ SNC00073595 Multiple Sonic Connect services in one container might exceed available memory. --- When several Sonic Connect services are deployed in a single ESB container there might be an out of memory error such as: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space If this occurs, relocate some services to another container, or increase the available memory. Note that PermGen space is specific to Sun JVMs: it can be increased by setting -XX:MaxPermSize. Other JVMs will produce a different error message and may provide different tuning parameters. _______________________________ SNC00056769 Sonic00035247 Exception when an attempt is made to return space as a web service response --- If a web service returns whitespace for the value of a parameter, the following exception occurs when invoked from an ESBWS Web Service Invocation step: com.sonicsw.xqimpl.invk.ESBException: Output param: <parameter name> was not found in response The web service should return an empty value, or a non-whitespace value. Returning spaces, tab characters, or carriage returns is not a valid response. _______________________________ SNC00051484 Sonic00031987 The /wsa url extension must be defined in the WS-Protocol acceptor --- The web service protocol defined in Sonic Workbench does not have the /wsa URL extension properly defined. To ensure the proper operation of WS-RM with Version 7 web services, this URL extension must be defined in the Web service protocol under /System/SonicESB/8.0/dev/dev.WS-Protocol. See "Configuring HTTP(S) Direct Acceptors" in the SonicMQ Configuration and Management Guide for more information. _______________________________ SNC00039318 Sonic00024616 Exception occurs if the WSDL changes without regenerating ESBWS files --- A NullPointerException can occur if the target namespace of a WSDL changes without regenerating any associated web service call files ( .esbws files). It is recommended that all .esbws files associated with a given WSDL be regenerated whenever the target WSDL is changed. _______________________________ SNC00034904 Sonic00021722 The input soap header and input parameter must have different names --- Sonic ESB Version 7 web service functionality does not support WSDL when a soap header for input has the same name as an IN parameter or when a soap header on output has the same name as a parameter OUT. The workaround is to modify the WSDL so that the two parameters have different names. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Administration _______________________________ SNC00030925 Sonic00019185 Durable browsing should wait until broker restart has completed --- When managing Durable subscriptions, count and size information is available on a per durable subscriber basis. After a broker startup, some messages that are included in the count and size might not appear when browsing durable subscriptions. These messages will be available for browsing after the Client Reconnect Timeout time. To configure the Client Reconnect Timeout, select the Configure tab in the Sonic Management Console. Next, right-click on a broker and select Properties. The Client Reconnect Timeout is configurable via the Advanced tab. _______________________________ SNC00026565 Sonic00016520 On deletion of a durable sub, SMC does not propagate it clusterwide --- When you use the Sonic Management Console to delete a durable subscription from a broker that is part of a cluster, you must connect to the other brokers in the cluster and then delete the subscription from each of those brokers to complete the unsubscribe action. However, when done programmatically by the TopicSession.unsubscribe() method, the deletion request propagates to all brokers in the cluster. _______________________________ SNC00005206 Sonic00002409 The Broker Can Take a Long Time to Start --- After certain types of failures, it can take a very long time for a SonicMQ broker to start up. If the recovery log files are not configured large enough for a heavy work load, the SonicMQ broker might run out of space on both log files and automatically shut down. Even after re-configuring the log files, starting up the broker for the first time following such a failure can take a long time, as it has to start recovery at the last good sync point, which in this case is located at the beginning of the first file. After a successful startup, however, a sync point is written to the log file and subsequent startup times are normal. Sync points are written to the log at startup, shutdown, and when switching log files. See the information in the SonicMQ Deployment Guide about setting the LOG_NOTIFY_FACTOR parameter so you can monitor peak usage of the recovery log file to ensure that the log file does not exceed its capacity and shut down the broker. _______________________________ SNC00005131 Sonic00002371 Buffered Disk Writes Affect Server Reliability --- Do not use buffered disk writes or network drives in virtually all circumstances. Buffered disk writes (write caching) could -- under an unanticipated power outage -- corrupt data in the write cache before the data is written to disk; however, some sophisticated data storage systems (such as top-end SCSI RAID arrays) provide reliable write caching that is suitable for use with SonicMQ. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Fault Tolerance _______________________________ SNC00042957 Sonic00026919 Broker failover may be delayed by long kernel retry intervals on Linux AS 3.0 --- On Linux, the kernel will often retry TCP connections for 13 minutes or longer before reporting the suspected problem to the network layer. For FT broker pairs, this will delay their ability to react to network interruptions. The TCP variables tcp_retries2, tcp_syn_retries, and others can be tuned to reduce the amount of time it takes the kernel to report a problem to the network layer. See the SonicMQ Performance Tuning Guide chapter "Tuning TCP to Optimize CAA Failover" for more information on this topic. _______________________________ SNC00032107 Sonic00019907 connectID recommended for Fault-Tolerant connections --- A fault-tolerant durable subscriber client application that does not specify a ConnectionFactory connectID, when running and connected, can terminate abnormally. If the application is immediately run again, it encounters the following error. javax.jms.JMSException: [127] progress.message.client.EUserAlreadyConnectedPendingReconnect: .../$DURABLE$FTDurableChatter$SampleSubscription This error is a consequence of the broker enforcing a policy that prevents a durable subscriber that is in the "pending-reconnect" state from being connected to by a different client. Here, to determine client identity, connectID is used. In the situation described, when the client application initially executes and connects, connectID is unspecified. Therefore a system assigned client identifier is used. When the initial client application execution is abnormally terminated, the broker assumes that the network has temporarily failed and places the client in the "pending-reconnect" state. The broker maintains the "pending-reconnect" state for the failed client until the client recovers the connection, or connects anew with the same connectID, or the reconnect timeout expires. When the client application executes for the second time and before expiration of the first failed connection's reconnect timeout expiration, a new system assigned connectID is used and presented by the client but rejected by the broker because of the above pre-emption policy. To avoid this behavior, assign a connectID in the ConnectionFactory. For more information, see the "Reconnect Conflict " and "Durable Subscriber Reconnect Conflict " sections in Chapter 4 of the Application Programming Guide. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ HTTP _______________________________ SNC00055744 Sonic00034626 HTTP Tunneling and NTLM Authentication --- Connecting to the broker using http through a proxy that enforces NTLM authentication from a Windows machine now requires that NTLM credentials be specified explicitly. A new http client has now been introduced that no longer uses the JDK's HttpUrlConnection which had accessed the local user's Windows credentials through native code. See chapter 4 of the SonicMQ Application Programming Guide for more information. _______________________________ SNC00028299 Sonic00017603 Use of http.maxConnections with HTTP(S) Tunneling --- The SonicMQ HTTP/S tunneling implementation utilizes the JVM's HTTPUrlConnection class. The JVM's implementation of this class uses a pool of connections to the server for persistent (HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0 Keep-alive) connections. This pool is limited by the JVM. When the pool limit is exceeded, the JVM determines on its own whether or not to close any of the connections. This JVM behavior can cause problems for SonicMQ HTTP/S tunneling when more persistent connections are required than the pool is configured for. Setting the JVM's http.maxConnections property on the client-side to be at least three times the number of JMS Connections alleviates the problem. _______________________________ SNC00012023 Sonic00006048 HTTP/HTTPS URLs for Client Persistence connections must specify a Port number --- ConnectionFactory objects that configure client persistence, such as setEnableLocalStore(true) AND use HTTP/HTTPS for broker connections MUST specify a port number in the broker URL. This also applies to administered objects that persist ConnectionFactories in LDAP or on disk. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall _______________________________ SNC00076872 Project explorer view is not shown by default after Workbench upgrade --- The default view in the Sonic Workbench is the Project Explorer View. The Project Explorer View shows additional details like Sonic Connect Services and Operations which are not shown in other views. However, when you upgrade the Sonic Workbench from a previous release, and then open a migrated workspace, Eclipse opens using the previously used view. To get the Project Explorer View, select Window -> Reset Perspective when you are already in Sonic Design perspective. _______________________________ SNC00075630 Workbench Containers view does not expand when running XMLService instances --- XMLService instances and their containers are not upgraded with a Workbench upgrade to 8.0. If these containers are started, the Containers view of the 8.0 Workbench does not display any containers. _______________________________ SNC00052080 Sonic00032384 Period in container name during installation causes problems --- Do not use a "period" character in container names. The container will not be able to be started or stopped. _______________________________ SNC00035077 Sonic00021837 Problem with Sonic Management Console on SuSE Linux 8.0 --- There is known problem with Sun's Preferences implementation relating to an incorrect assumption that the JVM is run with root access. The solution is to change access rights, allowing the JVM to automatically create the necessary subfolders for preferences. See the following forum discussion for alternative solutions: null _______________________________ SNC00032364 Sonic00020071 Sample scripts might need executable permission set on AIX --- Some of the sample shell scripts are delivered with the executable bit off. To fix this problem use the UNIX command "chmod" to set the executable bit. For example: chmod +x _______________________________ SNC00029486 Sonic00018326 JITC_COMPILEOPT for AIX --- On AIX you will see messages similar to the following in your broker/container log. These messages are expected: "Skipped Compiling {progress/message/broker/LogBlockBuffer}{setBlockPos}" _______________________________ SNC00007243 Sonic00003478 Default Installation Directory on UNIX --- On most UNIX platforms, the default installation directory is /opt/Sonic. If you do not have a disk mounted as /opt, select an alternate location, otherwise /opt will be created as a subdirectory of / (if you have permissions) and SonicMQ will be installed there. It is generally not advisable to install software in /. _______________________________ SNC00002066 Sonic00000961 Uninstalling does not remove all files and directories --- At the conclusion of the uninstallation, not all files are removed from the installation directory in case you need to keep any data or log files. You must delete these files and directories manually after running Uninstall. _______________________________ SNC00002060 Sonic00000959 Installation over network --- If you intend to install SonicMQ on Windows systems over the network, set up a network drive path to the remote system's CD drive (or CD image on disk). Since Windows does not support running batch files using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, the install process will not work if you attempt to run it using the UNC path to the CD, for example, \\sys1\cdrom\setup.bat. Additionally, if you enter in the Choose Destination Directory dialog box a path using UNC instead of a mapped drive, the installation will complete, but the product will not function properly. _______________________________ SNC00002001 Sonic00000934 Uninstalling SonicMQ --- Before uninstalling SonicMQ, you must first shut down all programs accessing the SonicMQ files that will be uninstalled. (For example, SonicMQ clients, tools, samples, brokers, service broker components under Windows, Java Virtual Machines, and documentation files.) If files are not deletable because they are in use, the uninstall might fail in its attempts to delete these files. Uninstall SonicMQ using the Uninstall option on the SonicMQ Start menu. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Management Framework _______________________________ SNC00076391 Runtime metrics enablement behavior change --- The Runtime API behavior of dynamically enabling instance metrics at runtime has changed. Previously, you could enable all instances of a given parent using either the parent identity (e.g. "queue.messages.Count") or an appropriate pattern (e.g. "queue.messages.Count.*"). Using the parent form (e.g. "queue.messages.Count") is not supported in this release. Sonic Management Console behavior is unaffected. _______________________________ SNC00067120 Routinely backup the Directory Service store --- Using Directory Service replication does not diminish the importance of routinely copying the Directory Service store to a secure location. Whether you using fault-tolerant management or standalone, use the interactive online and offline techniques described in the 'Managing Frameworks Components' chapter of the SonicMQ Configuration and Management Guide, or the programmatic techniques described in the BackupDS samples in the Runtime API chapter of the SonicMQ Administrative Programming Guide. _______________________________ SNC00066156 Sonic00040988 CollectionsMonitor storage obsolete after upgrade --- When a pre-7.6 CollectionsMonitor is upgraded, its persistent storage is obsolete and must be deleted. If the pre-7.6 storage isn't deleted, an error message is displayed in the container log at startup: "<storage_directory_name> is obsolete. It must be removed before the CollectionsMonitor is started." Once the pre-7.6 CM storage has been deleted, the CM will automatically create new storage on startup. _______________________________ SNC00031251 Sonic00019386 Directory Service startup log messages --- The container hosting the Directory Service component normally displays a connection-related warning message on startup (similar to that shown below). Assuming the container is correctly configured and there are no host resolution issues, these log messages are expected. This is because the same container is hosting the management broker and that broker has not started when the container makes its first connect attempt. If there are other management brokers already running and the container configuration includes URLs to those brokers, the message is not logged. Example log: [07/02/03 14:03:58] (info) "Domain1.Container1" starting... [07/02/03 14:04:09] (warning) Connect failure: Connection refused: no further information: tcp://SONICHOST:2506 [07/02/03 14:04:09] (warning) ...connect failed, retrying... [07/02/03 14:04:10] (info) Loaded ID=AGENT _______________________________ SNC00015203 Sonic00008098 Stopping the Management Broker --- If you execute the Stop operation on the broker that is being used for management communications, the container hosting the component will display the following message: 'ID=AGENT (severe) Failed to marshal reply to "invoke" on ID= xxxx'. This is a benign error and is a result of the container trying to send a response to the client via the broker that has been stopped. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Management Tools _______________________________ SNC00076838 Stored disconnected durable subscription messages are not listed when browsed. --- Stored disconnected durable subscriptions messages are not listed when viewed in the Local or Global subscription browse windows. The workaround is to right-click on the column header area of the empty table in the browse window, and then choose Fill. _______________________________ SNC00073947 Incomplete socket info displayed for HTTPS Tunnelling Connections --- The LocalSocket and RemoteSocket information displayed in the Sonic Management Console's 'Connections' view (and available via IBrokerProxy.getConnectionMemberDetails()) is incomplete/invalid for HTTPS Tunnelling connections. _______________________________ SNC00072320 Exceptions are displayed in the console while modifying the SMC Configurations --- This issue occurs while adding or modifying the SMC Configurations in a folder that contains files (such as .jars). This doesn't cause any functional failure. _______________________________ SNC00068845 SMC fails to start because a provider class is not found --- The SMC will fail to start in the following environment: Platform: Redhat 5 update 2 JVM: IBM 1.5.0-64 This failure occurs because a required provider class is not found. The installer sets the following system property in c.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl To fix this problem, modify this system property as follows: -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.apache.xalan.processor.Transformer FactoryImpl _______________________________ SNC00068785 Payload option for ESBContainer is displayed as unchecked even after enabled --- In the Sonic ESB Explorer, the ESB Container property page sometimes does not display the payload capture value properly (either enabled/disabled). But when the ESB Container is started, the container picks up the actual value set and starts appropriately. _______________________________ SNC00062410 Sonic00038656 Some Logger metric names have changed --- Two metrics names were modified in V7.6 to improve consistent naming across the product. The changed metrics names are: - logger.rate.metrics is now logger.metrics.LoggedPerMinute - logger.rate.notifications is now logger.notifications.LoggedPerMinute _______________________________ SNC00050420 Sonic00031381 use setStringAttribute() instead of setUrl() on ProtocolUrlEndpointBean --- In the Configuration API, use setStringAttribute() instead of setUrl() on ProtocolUrlEndpointBean Does not succeed: epb.setUrl("http://thisIsTheUrl"); Succeeds: epb.setStringAttribute("URL", "http://thisIsTheUrl"); _______________________________ SNC00035521 Sonic00022114 Groups info not appearing in Add|Edit Group Mapping dialog box --- The Add|Edit Group Mapping dialog box might not contain groups information if it cannot find the information. Typical reasons for not being able to find the groups information are: - The tool cannot obtain internal groups or external list while you are creating an External Authentication Domain - The tool cannot obtain external groups because the Management SPI is not specified for the External domain - You just defined the Management SPI for the External domain and you have not yet performed the runtime "Reload External Domain" operation to initiate the discovery of groups in external domain. As a workaround, the dialog box allows you to manually enter the groups. _______________________________ SNC00032988 Sonic00020466 Not seeing notifications or metrics for newly initialized broker --- If you cannot see metrics or notifications for a newly initialized 8.0 broker then, on the Manage tab, select the broker's container node in the tree and choose Refresh. Metrics and Notifications should then be available. _______________________________ SNC00032720 Sonic00020311 Management Console is only certified on Windows, Solaris and Linux --- The Management Console is only certified to operate on Windows, Solaris and Linux. You can manage brokers deployed on other supported platforms from the Management Console but the Management Console should only be run on these platforms. _______________________________ SNC00031516 Sonic00019540 Minor performance degradation of Sonic Management Console over time --- The user may notice minor performance degradations in the Sonic Management Console when using the console for prolonged periods with significant user activity. The workaround to this problem is to shut down and restart the Sonic Management Console. _______________________________ SNC00031287 Sonic00019405 Attempts to manage an offline container might cause incomplete tree display --- When clicking the File or Manage tab in the Sonic Management Console, if the connected container is down, and those tabs have not been selected before, you might see a navigation tree that is not completely loaded. When the container restarts, you can refresh the Sonic Management Console and the tree displays correctly. Alternatively, you can exit the Sonic Management Console and restart it. _______________________________ SNC00031015 Sonic00019242 Restart SMC after upgrading a config to get runtime information --- After upgrading a SonicMQ configuration, the runtime information presented under the Manage tab does not dynamically update. To get a runtime view of the upgraded broker or component, you must restart the Sonic Management Console. Configuration information is dynamically updated, but runtime information is not. _______________________________ SNC00030957 Sonic00019208 Restart SMC after a DS shutdown, restart, or failure --- The Sonic Management Console might display incorrect data if it is left running across a Directory Service shutdown (or failure) and restart. Stop and restart the Sonic Management Console after the Directory Service successfully restarts to correct this problem. _______________________________ SNC00028505 Sonic00017755 Component Collections --- If you remove a component from a container and that component was previously added to a component collection, then the component will not be automatically removed from the collection; you should remove the component from the collection before removing from its container. _______________________________ SNC00004761 Sonic00002192 Time To Live (0) in JMS Test Client Message Header tab --- Using 0 as the value of the Time To Live field in the JMS Test Client message header tab yields incorrect results. The JMSExpiration of the message is set to 24 hours from the time that the message was sent. It should be set to 0, which means no expiration. _______________________________ SNC00002560 Sonic00001184 HP-UX: SMC and Test Client hang when creating a when creating a subscriber --- When running SonicMQ brokers on HP-UX machines, the default value for max_thread_proc (maximum threads per process) is insufficient. If you are using the default value you need to run the HP-UX sam utility to increase this value. The general formula for SonicMQ is max_thread_proc = 75*B + 2*C = total threads required where B is the number of brokers started, and C is the maximum number of concurrent connections. (Note that a Sonic Management Console and JMS Test Client each use a connection.) For example, if you run one broker that is supporting up to 200 connections, max_thread_proc = 75*1 + 2*200 = 475 ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Messaging Broker _______________________________ SNC00074589 "Address family not supported by protocol family" --- IPv6 addresses are not yet supported for DS Replication and HTTP Tunneling connections on Windows platforms. Configuring either of these connection types with IPv6 results in the associated domain manager or broker logging the error "Address family not supported by protocol family". This is due to limitations with IPv6 and Java NIO. _______________________________ SNC00040050 Sonic00025112 Change in MAX_MSG_SIZE default --- The CONNECTION_TUNING_PARAMETERS.MAX_MSG_SIZE default value has been changed from 'unlimited' to 10MB. If you had not previously set this property and you are sending messages larger than 10MB you will need to set the property either to your maximum message size or set it to 0 to not limit message size. _______________________________ SNC00037526 Sonic00023386 I/O Exception when updating the Broker Recovery Log --- An I/O exception may be thrown if the Broker is unable to update or access its internal files due to an access conflict with another process or application. This could be due to a system backup, anti-virus software, or other automated disk maintenance utilities. The user should ensure that the broker's recovery logs/database are excluded from such processes or that the broker is shut down when they occur. _______________________________ SNC00022006 Sonic00013554 Unassigned Dynamic Routing connection properties do not default correctly --- If you create a new dynamic routing connection definition and leave unassigned the "Global Subscription Expiration" or "Idle Timeout" properties, the value 0 (no timeout) is applied by the broker at runtime. The broker's global routing properties for "Global Subscription Expiration" and "Connect Idle Timeout" are ignored. If you want the broker's global routing properties to be applied to a dynamic routing definition, you must explicitly set the "Global Subscription Expiration" or "Idle Timeout" properties to match the broker's global routing settings. _______________________________ SNC00016890 Sonic00009065 Changing QoP Cipher Suites requires broker database reinitialization --- If you want to change a broker's cipher suites used for Quality of Protection, drain the broker's message store (disconnected durables and queues). Then, after changing the QoP definition or provider, initialize the database tables. _______________________________ SNC00006102 Sonic00002870 Clock changes affect timeToLive (TTL) --- Changing the system clock on a SonicMQ broker system can result in the early or late expiration of messages. It can also cause other unintended behavior if done while the broker is running. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Messaging Client _______________________________ SNC00058183 Sonic00036107 Consuming messages from clustered queues --- For PTP client applications requiring the use of non-blocking MessageConsumer receives with Clustered-Queues, it is recommended that the MessageConsumer.receive(long) method be used and a long enough timeout provided to allow remote brokers time to transfer a message to the broker that the MessageConsumer is connected to. When using a PTP MessageConsumer with a Clustered-Queue as the Destination, the MessageConsumer.receiveNoWait() or the MessageConsumer.receive(long) with a short time period can appear to be ineffective in some situations. The reason is that these calls may not wait long enough for the interbroker "QueueGetRequestMgram" to be delivered and responded to by the peer brokers in the cluster. As a result, these calls may not return a message, even when there are many messages waiting at that Destination on one or more of the peer brokers. If the client code is written to keep retrying, then eventually the remote broker will reply and there will be something on the local broker for the receiveNoWait() call to return to the client. _______________________________ SNC00057604 Sonic00035762 Adaptive Pacing API and Message Consumers --- Message consumers are not supported on sessions that have Adaptive Pacing enabled. _______________________________ SNC00052079 Sonic00032383 JMS Client connecting through proxies --- Some proxies such as Sun Java Proxy 4.0, by default, do not allow an HTTP CONNECT to an IP address (although CONNECT to hostname is allowed). Since the SonicMQ client by default looks up the IP address of the hostname and uses that address to CONNECT, you can connect to HTTP(S) URLs through these types of proxies by setting -DHTTP_MAP_HOST_TO_IP=false. _______________________________ SNC00032724 Sonic00020313 Client Ping on HP-UX and Linux platforms --- There are bugs in the Linux and HP-UX JVMs which might prevent proper functioning when client ping is enabled. The following JVM workarounds are available for the Sonic certified platforms and should be instrumented. For Linux: The environment variable J2SE_PREEMPTCLOSE must be set to 1 before running the Sonic client. For example, for /bin/sh, set the environment variable as follows: J2SE_PREEMPTCLOSE=1 export J2SE_PREEMPTCLOSE Alternatively, you can edit the Sonic bin/setenv to define this environment variable. For HP-UX: The following VM extended parameter must be specified in the client VM command line: -XdoCloseWithReadPending For example, to run the client examples, you should edit the samples/ script directly to include this Java option . _______________________________ SNC00030116 Sonic00018696 URL Connection List error processing --- When specifying multiple URLS for a ConnectionFactory via setConnectionURLs, all exceptions encountered during the connection process are not propagated to the user. Instead, if no successful connection is established, the exception that is generated for the last attempted connection is propagated. For example, if two URLs are specified, tcp://Broker1:2506 and tcp://Broker2:2506. Internally, if the connection attempt to Broker1 fails due to a connection limit being exceeded, and Broker2 is unavailable, the exception that is propagated indicates the broker is unavailable, not a connection limit being exceeded. _______________________________ SNC00013074 Sonic00006694 Network connection drop not propagated to clients on UNIX systems --- On many UNIX platforms (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) it might take several minutes for a Sonic client to detect loss of network (for example, a cable pull). On Linux, loss of network might go undetected for several hours. For more timely detection it is therefore recommended that setPingInterval be applied on the client connection. For Sonic persistent clients, slow detection of loss of network delays the client from sending. Offline sending to local storage is not initiated until network loss is detected. For persistent clients running on Linux, you should use setPingInterval to detect the connection drop. When you use setPingInterval on the connection object, the client will log messages to the local store and the application can continue to publish until the connection is reestablished. For example, to set a ping interval of 60 seconds in the client persistence sample,, make the following code changes: connect = (progress.message.jclient.TopicConnection) factory .createTopicConnection (m_username, m_password); connect.setPingInterval(60); /* 60 secs */ _______________________________ SNC00010980 Sonic00005505 Client delivery thread continues to call onMessage after network failure --- Applications that reestablish Connections or perform extensive processing inside their onException method to handle ConnectionDropped errors might experience side effects due to other threads from the failed connection continuing to run. Cleanup occurs inside the runtime after the onException method returns. Applications can explicitly close the old connection before reestablishing the new one to allow cleanup to happen earlier. _______________________________ SNC00009253 Sonic00004592 Message acknowledgement on closed Consumers --- JMS allows a message to be acknowledged after its message consumer is closed. Applications taking advantage of this logic must be aware of two potential issues: If the consumer is a QueueReceiver, a prefetch count of 1 should be used instead of the default. If the consumer is a DurableSubscriber trying to reconnect the consumer while messages are still pending acknowledgement, a connection already exists error will result. If possible, an application should close a consumer after acknowledging messages delivered to the consumer. _______________________________ SNC00007458 Sonic00003584 Queue Browser can return messages more than once --- Setting the prefetch threshold of a Queue Browser to a value greater than 1 can result in a Queue Browser returning messages multiple times. Therefore, it is recommended to use the default setting for a Queue Browser's prefetch threshold. _______________________________ SNC00005536 Sonic00002577 Call to receiveNoWait() Method Requires Delay after Connection --- A call to receiveNoWait() on a durable subscriber immediately after a connection is made might return no message even if messages have been persisted for this subscriber. This is because it takes some time for the message broker to retrieve messages from the message store and message might not be available yet when the first receiveNoWait() is called. _______________________________ SNC00004871 Sonic00002245 JMSExpiration value might vary among JMS clients --- To provide the maximum available precision in the expiration of messages, the JMSExpiration parameter takes into account differences in the local system clocks of JMS client systems. This means that the JMSExpiration parameter might appear to have different values on multiple JMS clients with differing local system clocks. The JMSExpiration parameter represents the time a given message will expire if it were to expire on the system where the JMSExpiration parameter is being retrieved. This is particularly visible when browsing queues from two different client systems with varying local system clocks. This allows for developers to compare the JMSExpiration time with the local system time and not have to concern themselves with time differences between the originating JMS client and the receiving JMS client. In addition, the current system clock's value might be less than the JMSExpiration value when the message is being received by the JMS application. This can occur because of a number of factors since JMS messages do not expire within JMS clients, only on the SonicMQ brokers. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Multibroker _______________________________ SNC00019076 Sonic00010382 Flow Control events for Remote Publishing and Global Subscriptions --- For applications publishing to global destinations or global subscriptions, flow control is triggered from the routing queue. The publishers that are flow controlled will generate SendPause and SendResume notifications. _______________________________ SNC00006016 Sonic00002823 Queue routing ignores the sequential flag when connecting --- The sequential property of routing definitions is ignored; routing connections always use a sequential algorithm. _______________________________ SNC00005163 Sonic00002388 HTTP/HTTPS not supported within a cluster --- HTTP and HTTPS are not supported for interbroker connections within a cluster. However, you can use HTTP and HTTPS for routing connections. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Security _______________________________ SNC00074526 BROKER_SSL_PARAMETERS.ENABLE_TLSV1_ONLY parameter has no effect using JSSE --- The broker advanced property BROKER_SSL_PARAMETERS.ENABLE_TLSV1_ONLY no longer has any affect once migrating to JSSE after upgrade. To use TLS v1 with JSSE, select the cipher suite(s) prefixed with "TLS_"; e.g., TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA and/or TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA. _______________________________ SNC00066096 Sonic00040937 Reload of ExtAuthDomain in Adv Security sample fails with ClassCastException --- In the SonicMQ Advanced Security sample, after creating the Authentication SPI, Management SPI and the External Authentication Domain, the Reload External Authentication Domain operation fails with an exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl This is due to the sample Management SPI implementation's dependence on the xerces libraries. To make this work, the xercesImpl.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar from the MQn.n.n/lib directory must be added to the Domain Manager container's classpath. This can be accomplished via the "Prepend Classpath" setting on the "Resources" tab of the "Edit Container Properties" dialog box in the Sonic Management Console. _______________________________ SNC00058226 Sonic00036132 JNDI client compatibility with Management Security Permissions Enforcement --- When Management Security Permissions Enforcement is enabled, all Sonic JNDI SPI clients should be v7.5 (or later) in order to avoid the potential for spurious ConfigurePermissionDenied exceptions which could inadvertently deny JNDI access. _______________________________ SNC00048095 Sonic00029994 Using ACLs through Config API require correct name of resource types --- When entering ACLs through the configuration API the calling program must be careful to use the correct case sensitive strings: "topic", "queue", "URL". Failure to use the correct strings may result in the following error message: 'Failed to save bean - Resource Name cannot contain ::, \ or $ characters' _______________________________ SNC00034028 Sonic00021153 Pluggable Cipher Suites --- Using heterogeneous JVM providers on Directory Service broker and other non-DS brokers does not work when they are configured to use Pluggable Cipher Suite in Broker QoP. For example, using Pluggable Cipher Suite (cipher AES 256), a non-DS broker on AIX running on IBM 1.6 cannot connect to a DS broker running on Sun 1.6 on Windows 2003. To solve this issue, ensure that all the brokers have the same JVM provider. _______________________________ SNC00032447 Sonic00020137 PASS Sample fails to find AuthSPI class and throws exception on starting broker --- Entering an Authentication SPI class path that contains leading or trailing spaces will result in a "Authentication SPI class not found" exception when starting the broker. _______________________________ SNC00016788 Sonic00009009 Info: ACLs and QoP are settable on SonicMQ.deadMessage --- While most system queues and topics are read only, the system queue SonicMQ.deadMessage can be modified to control user access and quality of protection. ================================================================================ Sonic - SonicMQ Third Party _______________________________ SNC00073596 Acceptors bound to link-local IPv6 addresses fail on Linux --- On Linux, acceptors cannot be bound to link-local addresses at present (e.g. using the #ONLY postfix on an acceptor's port number). This is due to Sun JVM defects 6206527 and 6800096. The first of these defects results in a " Cannot assign requested address" in the broker log when starting the acceptor and is fixed in the Sun 1.6 JVM. The second is a client-side issue and still exists in the 1.6 JVM at the time of writing. _______________________________ SNC00042895 Sonic00026877 .NET Interop: MS WSE 2.0 expects optional elements in UsernameTokens --- You might receive the following fault when invoking a Microsoft .NET web service with a UsernameToken that has a clear text password: "System.Exception: WSE567: The incoming Username token must contain both a nonce and a creation time for the replay detection feature." This is caused because the .NET web service expects the optional nonce and a creation time elements. To workaround this issue, replay detection must be disabled in the .NET web service's Web.config file. _______________________________ SNC00023440 Sonic00014556 Difficulty connecting to an LDAP Server when Organization Unit has spaces --- If you are having difficulty connecting to an LDAP server (from the JMS Administered Object Tool) that contains spaces in the organizational unit, there is a workaround available. Try replacing the spaces with "%20" to infer a space rather than a delimiter. For example: ldap://localhost:389/ou=Progress%20Software, ================================================================================ Sonic - Install, Upgrade, Update, and Uninstall _______________________________ SNC00078742 Cannot change update location after advancing to next panel --- Once you have chosen a target location to update and then clicked Next, going back to the Sonic Install Location panel to change the target location does not apply the change. The initially specified location is where the update is applied. To change the location, click Cancel, run the updater again, and then enter the preferred target location. _______________________________ SNC00076170 connect folder not created in ESB8.0/lib directory --- In some circumstances, the connect folder is not created during install in the <INSTALL_HOME>/ESB8.0/lib directory. If this occurs, complete the following steps to fix the problem:. 1. Extract the <INSTALL_HOME>/ESB8.0/config_ds/base/xars/esb_connect.xar to a Temp folder <TEMP> 2. Create directories for connect/lib in the <INSTALL_HOME>/ESB8.0/lib directory 3. Copy all the jars from <TEMP>/SonicFS/System/SonicESB/8.0/lib to <INSTALL_HOME>/ESB8.0/lib/connect/lib _______________________________ SNC00068693 Set DISPLAY to a valid X11 display --- If your DISPLAY environment variable is not set to a valid display, you might get exceptions when installing ESB on a 64-bit Linux using the IBM 1.5 java2-x86_64-50 jvm. To set your DISPLAY variable in a csh: setenv DISPLAY=`hostname`:0.0 To set you DISPLAY variable in other shells: DISPLAY=`hostname`:0.0; export DISPLAY _______________________________ SNC00067216 Silent install will fail when using a fully qualified hostname --- The default name for a Messaging Broker is the machine name, or hostname. A hostname that is fully qualified, like "", is an invalid name for a broker. If you are performing an install on a machine that is configured to use a fully qualified hostname, be sure to specify a valid broker name. If you are performing a silent install on the machine, you must specify the valid broker name in your response file. _______________________________ SNC00076608 Issues in Workbench launch parameters from Windows shortcut --- Two workarounds to Workbench startup behavior require edits to the <SonicInstallDir>/Workbench/eclipse/SonicLauncher.ini fiile. 1. The Workbench shortcut always starts in the default workspace. You can change this by removing the -data <workspace> entry in the SonicLauncher.ini file. 2. The Workbench Windows shortcut opens an extra console window when eclipse is launched. You can change the behavior by modifying the -vm argument to change java.exe to javaw.exe in the SonicLauncher.ini file. _______________________________ SNC00076881 Sonic Installer might fail on Solaris --- When the file descriptor limit is set to 'unlimited', the Sonic Installer fails with this message: awk: insufficient memory for string storage Context is:>>> <<< Workaround: Set the file descriptor limit to a fixed number, prior to installing, for example: ulimit -n 8192 _______________________________ SNC00066073 Sonic00040921 Intermittent Container View issue after upgrade --- When the Workbench is upgraded, sometimes the upgraded containers will not get listed in the containers view when the old cache is being used. The workaround is to delete the existing cache of Domain Manager and all managed monitored containers, located at the working directory of the respective containers. _______________________________ SNC00066056 Sonic00040910 Workbench startup script on Linux/UNIX fails if there are spaces in the name --- If the Workbench is installed into a directory name that has spaces on a Linux/UNIX system, the script must be modified to put quotation marks around the directory name in the first line. _______________________________ SNC00065967 Sonic00040835 Failure to start the verification service after upgrade of Sonic ESB --- When you upgrade a Sonic ESB installation to Sonic ESB 8.0, the management containers hosting the Verification Service might not be updated, while the Verification Service and its ESB container are upgraded. In this case, if you want to run the Verification Service, you should upgrade the management container hosting the ESB container, and then start it. _______________________________ SNC00065797 Sonic00040717 Workbench home location might not get updated when upgraded --- In Sonic Workbench, when the workspace is mapped to an external location (other than <sonic-home>\Workbench<product-version>\workspace), during upgrade, the domain connection preferences might not be updated with the new installation details. This can cause failure to start or connect to the domain manager. The workaround is to manually edit the Progress > Sonic > Domain Connection node preference in the Window > Preferences > Progress > Sonic > Domain Connection preferences page. _______________________________ SNC00065422 Sonic00040469 After upgrade, some menu shortcuts might need to be reset --- In some circumstances, menu shortcuts for XML, XSD, and WSDL files in Workbench are missing after an upgrade. To refresh the shortcuts, from the Window menu on the Workbench, either choose Reset Perspective, or choose Customize Perspective to include these shortcuts. _______________________________ SNC00053545 Sonic00033226 Lots of logging to the console when running Sonic Workbench on Linux --- When running Sonic Workbench on Linux, you might notice exceptions logged to the console. These are benign errors and should be ignored. ================================================================================ RESOLVED ISSUES ================================================================================ The resolved issues in this release are the following: _______________________________ SNC00078802 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 Eclipse Tools: Process gets stuck interrupted during synchronous invocation. --- When a BPEL Service is shut down (gracefully or otherwise), a process may be interrupted in the middle of a synchronous invocation. After the engine is restarted that process instance remains active but can never complete. This active process may remain in memory and interfere with the execution of other process instances until manually terminated. _______________________________ SNC00078549 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Deadlock between Connection.close() and createTemporaryQueue() --- A MessageListener whose onMessage() implementation creates or deletes temporary queues or topics may end up in a deadlock if the associated connection is closed or lost. _______________________________ SNC00078524 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: .xcbr not included in the default applyMap comparison --- .xcbr is not included in the default applyMap comparison file extension The DEFAULT_XML_EXTENSIONS does not include the .xcbr extension, and so the stringReplaceMap will not work when running the applyMap on these files. _______________________________ SNC00078518 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: DRA Mgmt Node Container doesn't use cache properly after timeout --- When the Directory Service is unavailable (e.g. Domain Manager is not running or a network issue prevents remote communication with the DS), a DRA Mgmt Node Container does not startup by configuring itself from its local configuration cache. Instead the container indicates the directory service is unavailable and it cannot generate the cache, as shown in the following log message: [10/08/06 13:56:17] (severe) Directory Service unavailable, cannot generate cache _______________________________ SNC00078482 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Issue with BPEL's temp queues *.replies.sync and *.replies.async --- In a setup where the BPEL service invokes ESB artifacts on a connection to a separate broker then an error occurs in ESB while sending a message to the Reply_To destination set by the BPEL service. The error message is: "Queue not found: containerName.BPELserviceName.replies.sync" _______________________________ SNC00078373 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Allow initial connect attempt to be skipped to speed up DM start --- Set the system property for the JVM of an MF container to skip the initial synchronous connection attempt of the container to the management broker, thus speeding up the startup of the MF container. This property is to be used for the domain manager container only. _______________________________ SNC00078346 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: HTTP Direct Basic Outbound GET not working w/ msg type "Message" --- HTTP Direct Basic Outbound GET not working w/ msg type "Message" _______________________________ SNC00078335 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Messages get lost when http content reply send is used with DRA --- Messages forwarded across routing nodes to reach an HTTP Content-Reply Routing will have JMSReplyTo addresses that contain multiple routing node prefixes. This caused problems when the HTTP Routing attempted to pass back the response. _______________________________ SNC00078205 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: XForm throwing "Failed to find REPLY_TO in context endpoint" --- A transformation service with an XSLT which uses XQMessageElem extension to dispatch a message to REPLY_TO throws "Failed to find REPLY_TO in context endpoint - There is no element /xqEndpoints/REPLY_TO in the Directory Service" _______________________________ SNC00078179 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SDM: Multilines not set in Annotation for MFcontainer using SDM --- Multiple line annotations for MF containers in the tuning file of the model lose their end-of-line characters and are getting configured as single line annotation values on the MF containers. _______________________________ SNC00078102 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Container throwing CacheClosedException and StackOverflowError --- A CacheClosedException and StackOverflowError may be thrown during container's shutdown if centralized logging is enabled or there are subscriptions for system.log.LogMessage notifications. _______________________________ SNC00078075 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Verify if QoP info provided regarding encryption is correct --- Verify if QoP info provided regarding encryption is correct _______________________________ SNC00077968 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Reduce memory for pub-sub msgs on routing queue --- Topic-based messages that fan out to many remote brokers via DRA exhibit unnecessary duplication of properties and routing info when waiting on the routing queue. _______________________________ SNC00077956 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Broker doesn't shutdown cleanly --- Broker doesn't shutdown cleanly _______________________________ SNC00077953 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Broker Hang/Deadlock preventing new connections to broker --- A deadlock may occur when an FTclient with more than 100 sessions/producers/consumers reconnects to the broker. _______________________________ SNC00077877 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: single JVM launch setting --- Set the system variable to true for the JVM of the MF container so that it doesn't spawn a second JVM but instead runs in one JVM. _______________________________ SNC00077875 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Durable subscriptions are accumulating on broker --- Group subscribers are not receiving messages, but message counts in the SMC indicate messages are available. _______________________________ SNC00077804 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: EMgramVersionMismatch exception on Standby broker --- An EMgramVersionMismatch exception can occur on a Standby broker when JMSXUserID is enabled and transacted producers have large txnBatchSize and send many messages within a transaction. _______________________________ SNC00077802 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Incomplete event written to recovery log of standby broker --- Under certain timing conditions, a TxnPrecommit event written to the recovery log of the standby broker might be incomplete. _______________________________ SNC00077723 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Multi-topic not supported for Actional instrumentation --- Messages going to multi-topic destinations do not show up in the Actional console and result in errors logged in the broker container log. _______________________________ SNC00077704 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: ESB service does not consume messages after startup --- An ESB service could potentially miss creation of the entry endpoint's receive session and consumer, and, as a result, not consume any messages at all. _______________________________ SNC00077679 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Keep-Alive not reusing existing Http outbound routing connection --- Issue with Sonic's Http Outbound default setting 'Keep-alive' not reusing existing Http routing connections. _______________________________ SNC00077613 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Executing an XPath can return duplicate namespace prefixes --- Executing an XPath that returns an element with namespace prefix that also declares the prefix will result in a duplicate definition. Example result of the XPath: <prefix:element xmlns:prefix="uri"... > results in <prefix:element xmlns:prefix="uri" xmlns:prefix="uri"... > _______________________________ SNC00077432 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Unable to set "SonicXQ.process.trackingLevel" to 3 or 4. --- ESB process tracking can be enabled on a per-message basis by setting the "SonicXQ.process.trackingLevel" header. Attempting to set the tracking level to 3 or 4 in this way causes an exception even though these are valid values: com.sonicsw.xq.XQServiceException: Invalid tracking level _______________________________ SNC00077428 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Reduce memory usage of large queues in ft broker --- Reduce memory usage of large queues in ft broker _______________________________ SNC00077421 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 BPEL Service: Process gets stuck interrupted during synchronous invocation. --- When a BPEL Service is shut down (gracefully or otherwise), a process may be interrupted in the middle of a synchronous invocation. After the engine is restarted that process instance remains active but can never complete. This active process may remain in memory and interfere with the execution of other process instances until manually terminated. _______________________________ SNC00077366 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: The remote broker crash with OOM when many global subscriptions --- Global subscriptions propagated from the remote node(s) were causing the OOM error on a local broker due to memory leak. _______________________________ SNC00077315 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SDM: SDM Remote Resource ant script failure doesn't fail SDM BUILD --- If the Ant script (Remote Resources functionality to execute Ant scripts on remote machines) fails, the SDM script doesn't seem to get notified of the failure as it still completes with BUILD SUCCESSFUL _______________________________ SNC00077299 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 JCA Resource Adapter: Under heavy load, Sonic JCA does not reconnect properly --- Under heavy load, not all of Sonic JCA's queues reconnect properly to a Sonic broker instance every time that a connection is dropped for any reason. This occurs with any application server and on any platform. _______________________________ SNC00077264 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Out Of Memory Error delivery to Shared Sub on Cluster Peer --- Under certain circumstances when messages are delivered to a shared subscription member on another cluster peer broker, the sending broker may not process acknowledgements properly leading to a memory leak. _______________________________ SNC00077221 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Mismatch between generated WSDL and ESB process interface --- A WSDL file is generated from an ESB process's interface definition for a Bottom Up Sonic Connect web service. Clients expect the response format to match the WSDL but the ESB process itself generates a response based on the schema used when defining the process interface before the WSDL was created, which results in a different root element. _______________________________ SNC00077168 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Call to Sonic Connect web service fails after a container reload --- A web service call to an ESB process exposed as a bottom-up Sonic Connect web service may fail if the ESB container that contains the Sonic Connect service that exposes the ESB process is reloaded. An HTTP error code 404 Not Found will be returned. _______________________________ SNC00077163 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Uncorrelated message warning when intracontainer is enabled --- When intracontainer is enabled, the following warning is produced in the container log by the Sonic Connect, SplitJoin and BPEL services: (warning) uncorrelated message and no listener Messages intended for the internal AsyncTmp reply destination are dispatched via JMS as well as delivered via intracontainer messaging. _______________________________ SNC00077139 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 Eclipse Tools: Type Chooser fails to show types/elements when an xsd has no tns --- In Type Chooser or when creating an XML from XML Schema file, you may encounter the following error while using an XSD file which does not have a target namespace. "The selected URL contains no valid XML Elements or Types. Please select a different URL." _______________________________ SNC00077128 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: NPE on doGet after network blip on backup DS --- NPE on doGet after network blip on backup DS _______________________________ SNC00077120 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Messages to Shared Subs FT Client Connections not redelivered --- The use of Fault Tolerant connections with Shared Subscriptions, can cause delivered but unacknowledged messages not to be redelivered to the client after a client connection failure. _______________________________ SNC00077081 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Generated WSDL from ESBP has unusable schema --- Schema in a generated WSDL is not usable as it has sonicfs and/or file:/// references _______________________________ SNC00077071 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 Eclipse Tools: Sonic Connect should provide option to inline schemas --- Sonic Connect web services should provide an option to inline schema when generating a WSDL for a bottom-up web service _______________________________ SNC00077056 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: sonicmf.exe causes java.exe to continuously use CPU --- When a Container is started through sonicmf.exe it can cause the java.exe process to continuously use 1-2% of CPU. In environments where you have a lot of Containers, it can cause the CPU to be maxed out. _______________________________ SNC00076983 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Standby broker OOM with durable shared subs across cluster --- This issue could lead to the standby broker in a CAA pair failing with an OutOfMemoryError when messages sent to the CAA pair are passed to a shared subscriber on a different broker in the cluster. The memory leaked in this case is released when a syncpoint occurs, but if the max recovery log size is relatively large in relation to the max heap setting then the broker may fail with an OOM before a syncpoint occurs. _______________________________ SNC00076923 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: Fault is received when invoking a WS from an external client --- A fault message is received when a Sonic Connect web service is invoked from an external client (e.g SOAP UI, Actional Diagnostics): org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Could not read request. Operation {urn:MultiPart/resources/wsdl/MultiPartStringInt/MultiPartStringInt/types}Strin gDefaultInputElem is unknown. _______________________________ SNC00076915 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: SonicMQ updated to use larger batches to speed up dynamic sync --- Batch sizes were around 100. A larger batch size will reduce the number of db queries and improve performance of dynamic sync. _______________________________ SNC00076914 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Strings used in PendingQElements should be cached --- Caching repetitive String values used in DRA classes (such as node name, or destination name) is needed to reduce memory usage. _______________________________ SNC00076889 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 Eclipse Tools: getArtifactURL() method is not invoked for XSLTXForm --- getArtifactURL() method is not invoked while using XSLTXFormRunInitializer. _______________________________ SNC00076802 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: NegativeDispatchCount when using GroupSubs and transacted pub --- Occasional NegativeDispatchCount assert failures are seen in the container when using Group Subscriptions and transacted publishers. _______________________________ SNC00076775 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 Eclipse Tools: The .esbp file becomes corrupt after renaming the ESB Process --- The opening tag of the root element <xq:process> is missing in the .esbp file after the ESB Process has been renamed. _______________________________ SNC00076644 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: listMFContainersWithESBContainer API returns wrong values --- The ESB container config API returns incorrect results in certain cases: - esbApi.getContainerConfigAPI().listMFContainersWithESBContainer(container) returns the component name instead of the ESB container name. - esbApi.getContainerConfigAPI().listESBContainersInMFContainer(mfContainer) returns the component names instead of the ESB container names. _______________________________ SNC00076393 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Broker failover can cause Shared Subscription duplicates --- When using shared subscriptions with an FT broker pair and purely FT subscribers, duplicate messages can be sent to the group after a broker failover because the newly active standby broker does not wait for the members to reconnect and resolve the state of in doubt messages before allocating messages to the group. _______________________________ SNC00075591 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicESB: NullPointerException thrown by File Drop service. --- File Drop service may intermittently throw a NullPointerException when deployed with multiple listeners. _______________________________ SNC00073430 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 C Client: Improve C client documentation about releasing objects --- The C client Online API Reference lacks information about which objects to release. _______________________________ SNC00072893 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Broker fails to shutdown completely after recovery log error --- If CAA brokers encounter the error: (severe) Error logging a message that would overwrite recovery information. Increase the log file size. Neither will shutdown completely, as expected. Kill -9 is needed to complete the shutdown. _______________________________ SNC00071967 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Provide an option to compress messages sent over a connection --- Provide a new feature which allows JMS messages to be compressed on a per-connection basis, for client<->broker connections. Compressing the messages allows more throughput over low bandwidth network connections. _______________________________ SNC00071727 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Standby DS should backup the obsolete instance before deep sync --- Standby DS should backup the obsolete instance before deep sync _______________________________ SNC00070780 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 BPEL Service: Issue with BPEL's temp queues *.replies.sync and *.replies.async --- In a setup where the BPEL service invokes ESB artifacts on a connection to a separate broker then an error occurs in ESB while sending a message to the Reply_To destination set by the BPEL service. The error message is: "Queue not found: containerName.BPELserviceName.replies.sync" This patch has fixes to both ESB and BPEL and ensures that the JMSReplyTo value set by the BPEL service is a fully qualified name. _______________________________ SNC00069045 RESOLVED in 8.0.1 SonicMQ: Incorrect default private key used in backup broker's SSL params --- If an SDM model creates a BackupBroker but does not specify any BackupBrokerParameters in the tuning file, the private key in the resulting backup broker's SSL properties defaults to an incorrect value - the value of the primary broker's CA certificates directory.