Connection Options: Bulk
The number of rows that the driver sends to the database at a time during bulk operations. This value applies to all methods of bulk loading.
Default: 1024
The maximum size, in KB, of binary data that is exported to the bulk data file.
If set to -1, all binary data, regardless of size, is written to the bulk data file, not to an external file.
If set to 0, all binary data, regardless of size, is written to an external file, not the bulk data file. A reference to the external file is written to the bulk data file.
If set to x, any binary data exceeding this specified number of KB is written to an external file, not the bulk data file. A reference to the external file is written to the bulk data file.
Default: None
The maximum size, in KB, of character data that is exported to the bulk data file.
If set to -1, all character data, regardless of size, is written to the bulk data file, not to an external file.
If set to 0, all character data regardless of size, is written to an external file, not the bulk data file. A reference to the external file is written to the bulk data file.
If set to x, any character data exceeding this specified number of KB is written to an external file, not the bulk data file. A reference to the external file is written to the bulk data file.
Default: -1
Determines when the driver uses bulk load for insert, update, delete, or batch operations. If the Enable Bulk Load option is set to 1 and the number of rows affected by an insert, update, delete, or batch operation exceeds the threshold specified by this option, the driver uses SQL Server bulk load protocol to perform the operation.
If set to 0, the driver always uses bulk load to execute insert, update, delete, or batch operations.
If set to x, the driver only uses bulk load if the Enable Bulk Load option is enabled and the number of rows to be updated by an insert, update, delete, or batch operation exceeds the threshold. If the operation times out, the driver returns an error.
Default: 2
Toggles options for the bulk load process. The value specified is a positive integer representing the cumulative total of the Bulk Options values.
The following bulk load options are available:
Check Constraints - Checks constraints while data is being inserted. Value=16.
Fire Triggers - Causes the server to fire the insert triggers for rows being inserted into the database. Value=32.
Keep Identity - Preserves source identity values. When not enabled, identity values are assigned by the destination. Value=1.
Keep Nulls - Preserves null values in the destination table regardless of the settings for default values. When not enabled, null values are replaced by column default values, where applicable. Value=64.
Table Lock - Assigns a table lock for the duration of the bulk copy operation. Other applications are not permitted to update the table during the copy operation. When not enabled, the default bulk locking mechanism (row or table) specified by the table lock on bulk load server option is used. Value=2.
If disabled, the bulk load operation continues even if a value that would cause an index to be invalidated is loaded.
Note: The cumulative value of the options is only used in a connection string with the connection string attribute, BulkLoadOptions. On the Bulk tab of the driver Setup dialog, the individual options are enabled by selecting the appropriate check box.
Default: 2 (Table Lock enabled)
Specifies the character that the driver will use to delimit the field entries in a bulk load data file.
Default: None
Specifies the character that the driver will use to delimit the record entries in a bulk load data file.
Default: None