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Using the Driver : Using Security : Always Encrypted

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Always Encrypted

Microsoft supports the Always Encrypted feature for Azure SQL Databases and SQL Server databases beginning with SQL Server 2016. Always Encrypted functionality provides improved security by storing sensitive data on the server in an encrypted state. When sensitive data is queried by the application, the driver transparently decrypts data from encrypted columns and returns them to the application. Conversely, when encrypted data needs to be passed to the server, the driver transparently encrypts parameter values before sending them for storage. As a result, sensitive data is visible only to authorized users of the application, not by those who maintain the data. This reduces exposure to a number of potential vulnerabilities, including server-side security breaches and access by database administrators who would not otherwise be authorized to view the data.
Always Encrypted functionality employs a column master key and column encryption key to process encrypted data. The column encryption key is used to encrypt sensitive data in an encrypted column, while the column master key is used to encrypt column encryption keys. To prevent server-side access to encrypted data, the column master key is stored in a keystore that is separate from the server that contains the data. When Always Encrypted is enabled, the driver uses the following steps to retrieve keys and negotiate the decryption of encrypted data.
By design, data stored in encrypted columns cannot be accessed without first being retrieved and decrypted by the driver. Although this restriction improves security, it also prevents literal values within these columns to be referenced when issuing a statement. As a result, statements can only reference encrypted columns using parameter markers.
When the application executes a parameterized statement with Always Encrypted enabled:
1. The driver executes a stored procedure to determine from the server whether there are any encrypted columns referenced by the statement.
2. If any columns are encrypted, the driver retrieves the encrypted column metadata, encrypted column encryption key, and the location of the column master key for each parameter to be encrypted.
3. The driver retrieves the column master key from the keystore; then uses it to decrypt the column encryption key. After decryption, the column encryption key is cached in a decrypted state for subsequent operations. See the following "Using Keystore Providers" section for details.
Note: You can dictate whether column encryption keys are persisted in the cache using the Key Cache Time To Live (AEKeyCacheTTL) option. See "Caching Column Encryption Keys" for more information.
4. The driver encrypts the parameters using the unencrypted column encryption key.
5. The driver sends the statement with encrypted values to the server for processing.
6. If applicable, the server returns the result set, along with the encryption algorithm information, encrypted column encryption key, and location of the column master keys.
7. If the column encryption key is not cached, the driver retrieves column master key from the keystore; then uses it to decrypt the column encryption key.
8. The driver decrypts the result set using the column encryption key and returns it to the application.
* Enabling Always Encrypted
* Using Keystore Providers
* Caching Column Encryption Keys
* Connection String Examples