An Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) value. You must specify a value for this option if your application is not Unicode-enabled or if your database character set is not Unicode. See Internationalization, Localization, and Unicode for details.
The driver uses the specified IANA code page to convert "W" (wide) functions to ANSI.
The driver and Driver Manager both check for the value of IANAAppCodePage in the following order:
In the connection string
In the Data Source section of the system information file (odbc.ini)
In the ODBC section of the system information file (odbc.ini)
If the driver does not find an IANAAppCodePage value, the driver uses the default value of 4 (ISO 8859-1 Latin-1).
Valid Values
is one of the valid values listed in Code Page Values. The value must match the database character encoding and the system locale.