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Connection Option Descriptions : Oracle Service Cloud Database

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Oracle Service Cloud Database


OracleServiceCloudDatabase (OSCDB)


Controls how the driver instructs the Oracle Service Cloud Web service to resolve queries. Oracle Service Cloud can satisfy queries against the production or the reporting database that backs the service. This property instructs the driver to indicate against which database the queries should be resolved.

Valid Values

0 | 1 | 2


If set to 0 (none), the driver sends the base ROQL command directly. This results in the default database behavior.
If set to 1 (report), the driver prepends a "USE REPORT; " statement to the base ROQL command. This results in the reporting database being used for subsequent queries. The report database is a copy of the operational database. The report database is only up to date once the data from the site has propagated to it. When your queries do not depend on using live data, you should set the OracleServiceCloudDatabase property to 1 (report) to reduce the load a system is under.
If set to 2 (operational), the driver prepends a "USE OPERATIONAL; " statement to the base ROQL command. This results in the production database being used for subsequent queries. The operational database contains live, up-to-date data. When your queries require live data, you should set the OracleServiceCloudDatabase property to 2 (operational). However, there is an increased likelihood that queries made to the operational database may fail.


*Depending on the load a system is under, Oracle Service Cloud may blacklist certain queries, independent of the driver. Queries made to the report database are generally less likely to be blacklisted than queries made to the operational database.


1 (report)


Advanced tab