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Connection Option Descriptions : Config Options : AuditColumns (Config Option)

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AuditColumns (Config Option)




Determines whether the driver includes audit fields as table columns when it defines the remote data model to relational table mapping.
The driver supports the following audit columns for standard objects and custom objects:

Valid Values

all | custom | standard | none
The value for this option is specified as a key=value pair in the Config Options field. See "Config Options" for details.


If set to all, the driver includes all of the audit columns in the relational map.
If set to custom, the driver includes audit columns only for custom objects.
If set to standard, the driver includes audit columns only for standard objects in the relational map.
If set to none, the driver removes audit columns for all objects in the relational map.




*Although the CreatedTime and UpdatedTime fields on custom objects map to the relational view, you cannot query against them unless you enable the fields within the Object Designer in the Oracle Service Cloud admin tool.


The value for config options are specified in the Config Options field on the Advanced tab.

See also

Config Options