Progress DataDirect has included non-standard connection options your driver that enable you to take full advantage of packaged ODBC-enabled applications requiring non-standard or extended behavior.
To use these options, we recommend that you create a separate user data source for each application.
Your driver features the Extended Options configuration field on the Advanced tab of the driver’s Setup dialog box. You can use the Extended Options field to enter undocumented connection options when instructed by Progress DataDirect Technical Support.
Alternatively, you can make the change by updating the Registry. After you create the data source,
On Windows, using the registry editor REGEDIT, open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI section of the registry. Select the data source that you created.
On UNIX/Linux/macOS, using a text editor, open the odbc.ini file to edit the data source that you created.
Add the string WorkArounds= (or WorkArounds2=) with a value of n (WorkArounds=n or WorkArounds2=n), where the value n is the cumulative value of all options added together. For example, if you wanted to use both WorkArounds=1 and WorkArounds=8, you would enter in the data source:
Each of these options has potential side effects related to its use. An option should only be used to address the specific problem for which it was designed. For example, WorkArounds=2 causes the driver to report that database qualifiers are not supported, even when they are. As a result, applications that use qualifiers may not perform correctly when this option is enabled.
The following list includes both WorkArounds and WorkArounds2.
WorkArounds=1. Enabling this option causes the driver to return 1 instead of 0 if the value for SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR or SQL_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR is 0. Statements are prepared again by the driver.
WorkArounds=2. Enabling this option causes the driver to report that database qualifiers are not supported. Some applications cannot process database qualifiers.
WorkArounds=8. Enabling this option causes the driver to return 1 instead of -1 for SQLRowCount. If an ODBC driver cannot determine the number of rows affected by an Insert, Update, or Delete statement, it may return -1 in SQLRowCount. This may cause an error in some products.
WorkArounds=16. Enabling this option causes the driver not to return an INDEX_QUALIFIER. For SQLStatistics, if an ODBC driver reports an INDEX_QUALIFIER that contains a period, some applications return a "tablename is not a valid name" error.
WorkArounds=32. Enabling this option causes the driver to re-bind columns after calling SQLExecute for prepared statements.
WorkArounds=64. Enabling this option results in a column name of Cposition where position is the ordinal position in the result set. For example, "SELECT col1, col2+col3 FROM table1" produces the column names "col1" and C2. For result columns that are expressions, SQLColAttributes/SQL_COLUMN_NAME returns an empty string. Use this option for applications that cannot process empty string column names.
WorkArounds=256. Enabling this option causes the value of SQLGetInfo/SQL_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS to be returned as 1.
WorkArounds=512. Enabling this option prevents ROWID results. This option forces the SQLSpecialColumns function to return a unique index as returned from SQLStatistics.
WorkArounds=2048. Enabling this option causes DATABASE= instead of DB= to be returned. For some data sources, Microsoft Access performs more efficiently when the output connection string of SQLDriverConnect returns DATABASE= instead of DB=.
WorkArounds=65536. Enabling this option strips trailing zeros from decimal results, which prevents Microsoft Access from issuing an error when decimal columns containing trailing zeros are included in the unique index.
WorkArounds=131072. Enabling this option turns all occurrences of the double quote character (") into the accent grave character (`). Some applications always quote identifiers with double quotes. Double quoting can cause problems for data sources that do not return SQLGetInfo/SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR = double_quote.
WorkArounds=524288. Enabling this option forces the maximum precision/scale settings. The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) bind all SQL_DECIMAL parameters with a fixed precision and scale, which can cause truncation errors.
WorkArounds=1048576. Enabling this option overrides the specified precision and sets the precision to 2000. Some applications incorrectly specify a precision of 0 for character types when the value will be SQL_NULL_DATA.
WorkArounds=2097152. Enabling this option overrides the specified precision and sets the precision to 2000. Some applications incorrectly specify a precision of -1 for character types.
WorkArounds=4194304. Enabling this option converts, for PowerBuilder users, all catalog function arguments to uppercase unless they are quoted.
WorkArounds=16777216. Enabling this option allows MS Access to retrieve Unicode data types as it expects the default conversion to be to SQL_C_CHAR and not SQL_C_WCHAR.
WorkArounds=33554432. Enabling this option prevents MS Access from failing when SQLError returns an extremely long error message.
WorkArounds=67108864. Enabling this option allows parameter bindings to work correctly with MSDASQL.
WorkArounds=536870912. Enabling this option allows re-binding of parameters after calling SQLExecute for prepared statements.
WorkArounds=1073741824. Enabling this option addresses the assumption by the application that ORDER BY columns do not have to be in the SELECT list. This assumption may be incorrect for data sources such as Informix.
WorkArounds2=2. Enabling this option causes the driver to ignore the ColumnSize/DecimalDigits specified by the application and use the database defaults instead. Some applications incorrectly specify the ColumnSize/DecimalDigits when binding timestamp parameters.
WorkArounds2=4. Enabling this option reverses the order in which Microsoft Access returns native types so that Access uses the most appropriate native type. Microsoft Access uses the last native type mapping, as returned by SQLGetTypeInfo, for a given SQL type.
WorkArounds2=8. Enabling this option causes the driver to add the bindoffset in the ARD to the pointers returned by SQLParamData. This is to work around an MSDASQL problem.
WorkArounds2=16. Enabling this option causes the driver to ignore calls to SQLFreeStmt(RESET_PARAMS) and only return success without taking other action. It also causes parameter validation not to use the bind offset when validating the charoctetlength buffer. This is to work around a MSDASQL problem.
WorkArounds2=24. Enabling this option allows a flat-file driver, such as dBASE, to operate properly under MSDASQL.
WorkArounds2=32. Enabling this option appends "DSN=" to a connection string if it is not already included. Microsoft Access requires "DSN" to be included in a connection string.
WorkArounds2=128. Enabling this option causes 0 to be returned by SQLGetInfo(SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS). Some applications open extra connections if SQLGetInfo(SQL_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS) does not return 0.
WorkArounds2=256. Enabling this option causes the driver to return Buffer Size for Long Data on calls to SQLGetData with a buffer size of 0 on columns of SQL type SQL_LONGVARCHAR or SQL_LONGVARBINARY. Applications should always set this workaround when using MSDASQL and retrieving long data.
WorkArounds2=512. Enabling this option causes the flat-file drivers to return old literal prefixes and suffixes for date, time, and timestamp data types. Microsoft Query 2000 does not correctly handle the ODBC escapes that are currently returned as literal prefix and literal suffix.
WorkArounds2=1024. Enabling this option causes the driver to return "N" for SQLGetInfo(SQL_MULT_RESULT_SETS). ADO incorrectly interprets SQLGetInfo(SQL_MULT_RESULT_SETS) to mean that the contents of the last result set returned from a stored procedure are the output parameters for the stored procedure.
WorkArounds2=2048. Enabling this option causes the driver to accept 2.x SQL type defines as valid. ODBC 3.x applications that use the ODBC cursor library receive errors on bindings for SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME, and SQL_TIMESTAMP columns. The cursor library incorrectly rebinds these columns with the ODBC 2.x type defines.
WorkArounds2=4096. Enabling this option causes the driver to internally adjust the length of empty strings. The ODBC Driver Manager incorrectly translates lengths of empty strings when a Unicode-enabled application uses a non-Unicode driver. Use this workaround only if your application is Unicode-enabled.
WorkArounds2=8192. Enabling this option causes Microsoft Access not to pass the error -7748. Microsoft Access only asks for data as a two-byte SQL_C_WCHAR, which is an insufficient buffer size to store the UCS2 character and the null terminator; thus, the driver returns a warning, "01004 Data truncated" and returns a null character to Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access then passes error -7748.