You can verify the metadata in the configuration file against the data structure of the target database table. This insures that the data in the bulk load data file is compatible with the target database table structure.
The verification does not check the actual data in the bulk load data file, so it is possible that the load can fail even though the verification succeeds. For example, if you were to update the bulk load data file manually such that it has values that exceed the maximum column length of a character column in the target table, the load would fail.
Not all of the error messages or warnings that are generated by verification necessarily mean that the load will fail. Many of the messages simply notify you about possible incompatibilities between the source and target tables. For example, if the bulk load data file has a column that is defined as an integer and the column in the target table is defined as smallint, the load may still succeed if the values in the source column are small enough that they fit in a smallint column.
To verify the metadata in the bulk load configuration file through the DataDirect driver Setup dialog, select the Bulk tab and click Verify. See "Bulk tab" for a description of this procedure.
Your application can also verify the metadata of the bulk load configuration file using the DataDirect functions ValidateTableFromFile (ANSI application) or ValidateTableFromFileW (Unicode application). The application must first obtain driver connection handles and function pointers, as shown in the following example:
HDBC hdbc;
HENV henv;
void *driverHandle;
PValidateTableFromFile validateTableFromFile;
char tableName[128];
char configFile[512];
char messageList[10240];
SQLLEN numMessages;
/* Get the driver's connection handle from the DM.
This handle must be used when calling directly into the driver. */
rc = SQLGetInfo (hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_HDBC, &driverHandle, 0, NULL);
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
ODBC_error (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
EnvClose (henv, hdbc);
exit (255);
}/* Get the DM's shared library or DLL handle to the driver. */
rc = SQLGetInfo (hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_HLIB, &hmod, 0, NULL);
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
ODBC_error (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
EnvClose (henv, hdbc);
exit (255);
validateTableFromFile = (PValidateTableFromFile)
resolveName (hmod, "ValidateTableFromFile");
if (!validateTableFromFile) {
printf ("Cannot find ValidateTableFromFile!\n");
exit (255);
messageList[0] = 0;
numMessages = 0;
rc = (*validateTableFromFile) (
(const SQLCHAR *) tableName,
(const SQLCHAR *) configFile,
(SQLCHAR *) messageList,
sizeof (messageList),
printf ("%d message%s%s\n", numMessages,
(numMessages == 0) ? "s" :
((numMessages == 1) ? " : " : "s : "),
(numMessages > 0) ? messageList : "");
if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) {
printf ("Validate succeeded.\n");
}else {
driverError (driverHandle, hmod);