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Using the Driver : Using DataDirect Bulk Load : Exporting Data from a Database

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Exporting Data from a Database

You can export data from a database in one of three ways:
*From a table by using the driver Setup dialog
*From a table by using DataDirect functions
*From a result set by using DataDirect statement attributes
From the DataDirect driver Setup dialog, select the Bulk tab and click Export Table. See the driver configuration chapter for a description of this procedure.
Your application can export a table using the DataDirect functions ExportTableToFile (ANSI application) or ExportTableToFileW (Unicode application). The application must first obtain driver connection handles and function pointers, as shown in the following example:
HDBC      hdbc;
HENV      henv;
void      *driverHandle;
HMODULE      hmod;
PExportTableToFile exportTableToFile;

char      tableName[128];
char      fileName[512];
char      logFile[512];
int       errorTolerance;
int       warningTolerance;
int       codePage;

/* Get the driver's connection handle from the DM.
   This handle must be used when calling directly into the driver. */

rc = SQLGetInfo (hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_HDBC, &driverHandle, 0, NULL);
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
    ODBC_error (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
    EnvClose (henv, hdbc);
    exit (255);

/* Get the DM's shared library or DLL handle to the driver. */

rc = SQLGetInfo (hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_HLIB, &hmod, 0, NULL);
if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
    ODBC_error (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT);
    EnvClose (henv, hdbc);
    exit (255);
exportTableToFile = (PExportTableToFile)
    resolveName (hmod, "ExportTableToFile");
if (! exportTableToFile) {
    printf ("Cannot find ExportTableToFile!\n");
    exit (255);

rc = (*exportTableToFile) (
      (const SQLCHAR *) tableName,
      (const SQLCHAR *) fileName,
      errorTolerance, warningTolerance,
      (const SQLCHAR *) logFile);
if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) {
      printf ("Export succeeded.\n");
else {
      driverError (driverHandle, hmod);
Your application can export a result set using the DataDirect statement attributes SQL_BULK_EXPORT and SQL_BULK_EXPORT_PARAMS.
The export operation creates a bulk load data file with a .csv extension in which the exported data is stored. For example, assume that a source table named GBMAXTABLE contains four columns. The resulting bulk load data file GBMAXTABLE.csv containing the results of a query would be similar to the following:
A bulk load configuration file with and .xml extension is also created when either a table or a result set is exported to a bulk load data file. See "The Bulk Load Configuration File" for an example of a bulk load configuration file.
In addition, a log file of events as well as external overflow files can be created during a bulk export operation. The log file is configured through either the driver Setup dialog Bulk tab, the ExportTableToFile function, or the SQL_BULK_EXPORT statement attribute. The external overflow files are configured through connection options; see "External Overflow Files" for details.