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Connection Option Descriptions : Config Options : SchemaSet (Config Option)

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SchemaSet (Config Option)


SchemaSet (SS)


Specifies the project-dataset pairs that you want the driver to fetch metadata for.

Valid Values

String | *
is a comma-separated list of project and dataset pairs (project:dataset).


If set to String, the driver fetches metadata for the specified project and dataset pairs. For example, if you set SchemaSet=project1:dataset1,project1:dataset2, the driver fetches metadata for only dataset1 and dataset2 of project1. If you want the driver to fetch metadata for all the datasets of a project, put an asterisk (*) after the colon. For example, SchemaSet=project1:*.
If set to *, the driver fetches metadata for all the projects and datasets your account has access to.


*If you do not specify a value for SchemaSet, the driver fetches metadata for the project and dataset specified at the time of connection.
*The driver does not fetch metadata for public projects by default. To fetch metadata for public projects, specify them using the SchemaSet configuration option.


The project and dataset specified at connection.


Advanced tab

See also

VarcharLength (Config Option)